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Hello everyone! (Again) It's me, SK Tiger here! (Again) And welcome to the first book of The Big BS Series-

ACABS in the form of a human: Wait, am I not the first book of the series anymore?

Tiger: Pfft, of course you're not! This book right here *waves at The Explosive Robot* is going to be a remade version of you!



So you see, ACABS, otherwise A Colt and Bibi Story, used to be the first book of The Big BS Series. This year, however, I had revisited it and decided that it requires a total remake, but replacing the original book by deleting it somehow makes me fearful.......

So here's The Explosive Robot (TER)! The storyline of ACABS and TER would be largely similar, only that certain things (grammar being the main thing-) and some scenes would change in this story. The existence of TER would result in ACABS becoming an "unofficial" book, but WHATEVER-

ACABS: So you aren't going to delete me?

Tiger: Heck no! If I deleted you, which book would be my first ever story here on Wattpad?

ACABS: ... Good point.

And the storyline is in 2019 so don't forget about that-

Remember, content is not official as this is jut fanfiction. All characters belong to Supercell with some specific exceptions. Headcannons are present within this story.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this!

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