"Lee Suho!",Seojun tried to call him but his voice were drown by the other student's cheer.He wanted to catch up on Suho when Jugyeong stopped him,"yah tell them to shut up",she told Seojun.Seojun started to feel the rage embarked inside him as he walked to the table and knocked it loudly until all the students turned silent.

"Me and Jugyeong are nothing!We aren't together!",he yelled at all of his classmates.All of them were startled with Seojun's act,didn't expect that Seojun will lashed out in anger.Jugyeong moved closer to Seojun,"yah don't be that mad,it's kinda scary",she talked softly to Seojun,didn't want the others to listen to her.

Seojun was red ravaged in anger especially when he saw Suho walked away from him.He pointed his fingers to all the students infront of him,

"If i heard another rumour of me and Jugyeong,I'm gonna kill that person!You got that?!",he gave a last warning and ended his glamorous speech with his fist knocked the table.

"You guys listen that!Seojun will kill you so stop spreading those stupid rumors!I'm not mad,Seojun is mad!",Jugyeong tried to use the situation for her own benefit,she doesn't like getting mad at people but she also didn't like then creating false stuffs about her.At least people won't talk about it anymore because they're afraid of Seojun.

"What's going on here?",Mr Han walked into the class followed by all the students running back to their seat including Seojun and Jugyeong.

"Hey,are you okay?",Chorong asked Seojun but he ignored him,right now Suho that matters as he's not in the class.

"Should i look for him?",he thought but then Suho knocked the door and entered the class.Seojun eyed Suho who was looking down,walked directly to his seat.He stared at Suho for a long time hoping for Suho to look at him but he wasn't.

After an hour,Mr Han ended the class and asked for Suho to come to the teacher's room.Suho nodded and walked passed Seojun's seat without looking at him at all."Lee Suho~",Seojun called him but obviously Suho ignored him.

Chorong tapped Seojun's shoulder,

"Yah are you okay?you look weird today",he told Seojun.Seojun turned to his friend,"shut up,I'm experiencing a heartbroken moment right now",he put his hand to his chest while laid his head on the table,felt frustrated for everything that happened this morning.The worst part of the day is for Suho to ignore him,he felt suffocated as if he couldn't live without talking to Suho.

- -

After the school ended,Seojun looked at Suho's seat but he wasn't there."where is he?He's already going back?",he mumbled as he took his phone and tried to call Suho but unfortunately Suho didn't answered.

He tapped the chatbox and tapped Suho's name,

Seojun:Suho,where are you?

Seojun:you didn't talk to me today,are you mad at me? 😔😔

Seojun:suho i'm sorry if i did wrong 😭😭

Seojun:suho suho suho suho suho~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He kept on sending messages to Suho but he didn't replied at all."maybe he's already at home?",Seojun thought as he took his bag and hurriedly ran away from there.

- -

Seojun walked out from the cab and paid the taxi driver,he thanked the driver and closed the door as he started to walk to Suho's house.

"Will he be mad at me if i come to his house?What if he ignored me or doesn't want to talk to me anymore?!Aaiisshhhhh Han Seojun!!!"

Two minutes later,Seojun arrived but then he saw Suho was fighting with an older man with another man standing near a car parked there.

"What happened?",Seojun took a few steps closer to find out.

"Can you please listen to me once?you always acted like you don't have a father!",Mr Lee scolded Suho.

"Well i really don't have a father",Suho replied back making Mr Lee started to get really mad of his son.

"Lee Suho!",he raised his hand to slap Suho but then his hand was blocked by Seojun.Both Suho and Mr Lee were surprised with his sudden presence.

"Who are you?",Mr Lee asked released himself from Seojun's grip.Seojun looked at Mr Lee with his fiery eyes,"who are you?",he repeated the same question.

"You don't know him?He's Mr Lee JeHoon",Mr Oh at the back tried to threaten Seojun.Mr Lee glared at Seojun,"I'm his father",he responded to Seojun.

Seojun arched his eyebrow to Mr Lee,

"A father?You don't look like one",Seojun then held Suho's hands before he hurriedly ran away with Suho from Mr Lee.

"Don't you dare run a—!Lee Suho!",Mr Lee told Mr Oh to start the engine as fast as he could to catch up on them.

Seojun brought Suho until they reached an alley where they both stopped to gasp some breaths.
Suho looked up at Seojun as Seojun's eyes searching his face,he leans closer and puts his hand under Suho's chin making them look directly into each other's eyes."Are you okay?",he asked Suho.

Suho nodded lightly while Seojun curved a smile,glad that Suho is fine.They both waited for a while to make sure that they're safe from Mr Lee.

Just You //SeojunXSuho True Beauty FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora