I got to the coffee shop with 3 minutes to spear. I looked around to find Harry and Niall not here yet so I went inside to get a drink. 

20 minutes had now past and it was 11.17am and Harry and Niall were supposed to be here at 11. I didn't worry about it to much, but then another 10 minutes past. The boys were now 27 minutes late and I was starting to get worried. I imagined Niall had made Harry stop and get something to eat and the line was really long. 


"Why did you guys take so long?" I asked the boys. I had waited in the coffee shop another 5 minutes before the boys had shown up. We were now walking along the beach to find a good place to set up. I pointed out a spot that didn't have to many people and we put our stuff down. 

"We got stuck in the elevator at Niall's apartment block." H

"And nobody decided to save us" N

"Sounds rough." I joked. Both boys gave me a playful glare before deciding to put some more sunscreen on. I had to laugh though when Harry left a massive patch on his nose un-rubbed in. But of course me and Niall didn't tell him. Once they were done Harry turned to me, with a devilish smile.

"Come on Brie, we're going swimming." He teased and I rolled my eyes at him. I got up and grabbed my bag.

"Okay fine, but I need to go get changed." I said, walking up towards the changing rooms and showers. 

Once I was in there I put my bag down and pulled out my bikini. I quickly stripped and pulled my bikini on. When I was doing my hair a very attractive girl came in. I knew I was blushing so I looked away and back to my bag. I think she noticed though because I felt her eyes on me. I took my chance and looked up again. She was a little shorter than me, had blonde hair falling down her back and pure blue eyes. She looked way better than me. I was just an average looking girl. I was a little shorter than average height, I had green eyes and dark brown wavy hair cutting off just above my shoulders. Although I did like the freckles that covered my nose. 

I felt my hands skim around my waist, covering my stomach. She noticed, and turned away. I did the same looking back into the mirror to resume putting my hair in a bun, (so it wouldn't get that wet). I felt my phone buzz from my bag and I pulled it out to see a message from Harry. 

H 'Hurry up me and Niall want to go swimming!' 

So i replied with~

B 'Be patient, I'm getting changed.'

H' Well hurry up'

B ' You can be so annoying sometimes'

H ' I learned from the best'

I laughed out loud at his last text and quickly shot my hands to wear my obnoxious laugh had come from. The girl chuckled, before walking over to me. 

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Brie, you?" 

"Mazy, you know you've got really pretty eyes." I blushed at her compliment.

"Thanks, I would say the same but everything about you is pretty, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of you if I only complimented your eyes now, would it?" I admit I wasn't useless at flirting, but this was knew, I was never this good. My comment caused the girl to giggle.

"Well thank you, could I maybe get your number or something?" Mazy asked.

"Of course, do you want my real one or the one I give to people if I don't like them and sends them to my brothers number?" She laughed again. This girl had such a bloody cute laugh.

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