Chapter Eleven

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(Name) and Wybie looks at each other and back to the door in front of them as Coraline runs around the house.

"I swear, your sister is crazy." The girl looks at him and pinches him by the arms as he backs away from her.

'Why would she say that unless..." The older sister gasp in realization as she flings the door open and ready to scold Coraline with Wybie behind her.

"I missed you guys so much-- You'll never--" Coraline looks at her sister with dread in her eyes as she sees her expression.

"Hi, sis." She turns to Wybie who awkwardly stands and waves head down behind her sister. "Oh... the Wybie that talks..."

"Huh? Ha ha ha....yeah... Um, so you know  tha-that old doll I gave you?" Coraline tenses as (Name) gets in leaving the two of them. "Um... my Gramma's real mad, says it was  her sister’s - the one that...  disappeared?"

"You stole that doll, didn’t you?" (Name) hears Coraline say from the door as she looks around for her parents but everywhere she looks she saw not a trace of them.

"Uh, listen, I-I-I’m really not supposed to--" She hears Wybie say as Coraline drags him inside and into the living room.

"The cat... I-I’ll just tell Gramma that  you couldn’t find the doll-- OW!" A blue boot thrown by Coraline hits his arm. He turns back as she takes off the second one.

"That’s ... cause ... you’re CRAZY!"

After their interaction she went to find her sister who way laying down in their parents' bed while staring at the ceiling. Coraline slowly approaches her knowing that she knew what happened.

"Coraline." Hearing her name she tense up as her sister let out a long sigh. "Just go talk to the ladies upstairs and leave me be..."

Coraline nods and did as her sister has told her with her head down knowing that her sister is disappointed and and would ignore here if she didn't listen to what she says so there's no point in talking to her.

As her younger sister leaves, (Name) starts to make a plan in her head until her sister comes back with a piece of candy shaped triangle and had a hole in the middle.

"They gave me this..." Coraline seats beside her sister on the bed with her head down. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen... I... I just wanted someone to not ignore me."

(Name) let's out a sigh feeling bad, takes her sister's hand pulling her to the bed, and cuddles her making Coraline cry out loud.

"I'm sorry too. I should've spent more time with you, I know you needed me but I ignored you but that's in the past now and from now on I promise you that I won't ever do that to you."

The sisters cries themselves to sleep hugging each other in their parents' bedroom until night came covering the sky with darkness and stars.

(Name) and Coraline are asleep when the cat came in the house unheard by the girls. One pas and then two paws bat the older sister's nose as opens her eyes, protecting her nose with her hand.

Opal blue eyes stares at her. It's the black cat, purring loudly and how he looks at her tells her that he knows something so she wakes her sister up.

"Hello. How did you get in?"

"Do you know where Mom and Dad are?" The cat blinks. Then he heads out the door as the sister looks at each other and follows the black cat.

He leads them to the mirror at the end of the hallway. The mirror starts to glow and then an image forms within the glass. It's their parents! They cling together, blue with cold, as snow falls.

"MOM! DAD!!" The younger one calls out as the older sister just stares at it in shock with familiarity but couldn't put a finger why she feels it.

They look up and with a desperate look, Mel breathes on the inside mirror-glass to fog it. She writes H E L P U S as her finger squeaks on the glass like a small sad bird. The frost rises up, hiding her the letters and then their parents. The image fades.

Coraline strikes at the mirror as hard as she can while her sister recovers from shock when the glass shatters.

"Coraline!" (Name) checks her sister's hand for any type of injuries as they drop to the ground shaking. The cat nuzzles to them as if trying to comfort them.

"How did this happen?"

From under the bed, the cat drugs out the button eyed doll remade into their mother on one side and their father on the other.

"She’s taken them."

"How in the world? At such short notice? How? Does she control everything in this house? An hour didn't pass when I went out... just how?" (Name)'s head is filled with confusing thought as how the beldam got her parents along with unanswered questions.

(Name) takes the doll and went to the fire place with Coraline following her. She lit a fire, took out the button eyes throwing them first in the fire before throwing the doll in as the fire completely swallows it.

"We have to take them back..." Coraline looks up at the mantel. The snow globe, the one with the fountain bears from Detroit Zoo. She cradles it, remembering when they were all together.

"They’re not coming back, are they ­Mom and Dad. Not on their own."

"Let's go back so I can remove those button eyes myself. Prepare yourself."

The girls prepares themselves. (Name) changes her clothes into a much more comfortable one, takes the unreable diary because she had a feeling that they'll use it, and about to take a knife but her sister reminds her that they can't use a knife on a bone.

"Did you take the candy?"

"Uhh... are you sure it's useful?" Coraline takes the odd piece of candy after seeing her sister nod. They stand in front of the little door and look at each other before nodding at each other looking back at the entrance with determined expression.

"Let's go."

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