Chapter Two

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You both arrived to your now home wet and muddy while laughing and you both were surely causing a mess on the floor. You reached your shared room, removed your pants, and wrapped a towel on your waist.

"Cora, you go take a bath first." You ruffled her wet hair similar to your own.

"Okay, hopefully the bathroom is working well..." She then left.


You looked for unused cloth you can wipe the damp floor while Coraline yells in the bathroom about insects. After wiping the floor you went to the living room where the fireplace is located.

'This house feels weird... maybe I'm reading too much'--- You looked at the portrait of a crying boy wearing Victorian clothes who dropped his ice cream ---'That boy reminds me of someone.'

"SIS! I'm finished!" Coraline yelled from your bedroom followed by a door shutting.

You arrived at the bathroom and see insects squashed on the wall. You ignored them and opened the shower that's luckily still usable and showered fast for the fear that what you'll discover that behind the wall is full of insects.

'A kingdom of insects... are fairies insects?'

You got out and went straight to your bedroom, put on your clothes, and went to the kitchen where Coraline is. You brought out 4 eggs and started cooking since your parents are too busy to cook.

"I want double." Coraline said handling you placing 4 more eggs beside the sink where you placed the eggs you took.

"Alright, one is not enough anyways."

You proceed to cook and talk with Coraline about books, the rain, and what your activity tomorrow will be. Your mother arrived in the kitchen but you know your dad is probably too busy to come down so you told Coraline to give him his food.

The three of you ate on the table but it feels like it was just the two of you since your mother was too busy on her laptop.

The next day rain was still pouring heavy rains and again you were in the unmaintained and dull kitchen drawing something from the book you just finished since you were still heartbroken of the sudden end.

"Who's that?" Coraline pointed (Your fav. book character) on the other page.

"(Your fav. book character)." You then proceed to tell her about your beloved from the paper and Coraline listened so you thought of reading the book to her.

"I'll read you the book tonight."

Coraline looked at you with a grin, She couldn't be happier to have your attention. She took the seeds from the window she have been gazing before you arrived and laid them in front of you.

"I've got seeds."

"That's nice maybe we'll plant them when the rain stops"--- You noticed her keep scratching her hand and remembered about the poison oak the boy told you about making you almost slap yourself for not noticing earlier ---"Coraline your hand, show me your hand."

She showed you her hand which developed a reddish rash and you questioned yourself why you didn't get it but brushed it away thinking, 'Maybe because I haven't held it that long.'

"Mom, do you have a cream for rashes?" You asked your mom who responded you with a "Uh huh." but that's it she looks like she wasn't even listening which make you sigh in annoyance.



Coraline chuckled at you annoyed face. You told Coraline you'll be back and went to the box you know where rash removing products can be found... if there was any.

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