Chapter Three

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You both went up to you room after a fruitless search for the diary. "I can't believe we lost something that may or may not contain countless secrets." You said sitting on the bed both you and Coraline shared.

"It's really strange... do you think this house is"--- Coraline looked around as if someone was going to hear us the looked back to you. ---"haunted?"

"Yeah that makes sense. Maybe the ghost didn't want us to find out it's secret crushes and her embarrassing stories..."

"Or maybe the killer didn't want us to find out that they were the one who killed the owner of the diary."

"Could be..." You laid down on the bed the stared at you ceiling then realized you still had to unpack all you stuff so you stood up and looked at Coraline. "Let's unpack our stuff, this room is too dull for us."

It was NIGHT TIME the Sun was already gone but the rain has yet to disappear.

"Girls! Supper is almost ready!" You heard your father yell from the kitchen.

"Hope we don't suffer from his food..." You said taking out your things from the box.

Coraline groaned laying flat on the bed like how a starfish would on the sand while her doll is seated in front of her.

"I wish you were the one who cooked instead."

"Too late for that let's just go and eat." You tugged her hand from the bed but she still laid motionless.

"Piggyback." She said raising both her hands upward. You sighed then stood at the corner of the bed waiting for her to get in your back after that you carried her to the kitchen.

You both sat beside each other while your father sings poorly while taking out the casserole dish from the oven using th over mitt to protect his hands.

"Oh, my twitchy witchy girl," ---He looks at you wanting you to countinue the song but seeing that you didn't. ---"Come on my curious kitten sing along with me after all, we both made it for your little sister."

"No thank you. I'm fine... but we should change the tone and make it more... uhhh how should I say this..."

"Tolerable. Make it more tolerable." Coraline spoke up looking at the dish from your dad's hand in disgust.

"Yep. That." Your dad looks at the both of you and shrugged his shoulder before resuming his song while your mom waits for the food while watching you interact.

"I think you are so nice,
I give you bowls of porridge
And I give you bowls of ice--- he sets the dish on the table in front of you and Coraline while you both wait for the bad note to come. ---cream"

"Now for (Name)'s song." Cue you and Coraline groaned at what he said. He starts, "My-

You quickly thought of something to end the torture. "HEY DAD! THIS DISH IS-

Your mother glares at you. "No yelling on the table."

Delicious..." Your father forgets about what he was singing and started talking about the food he made.

Coraline looks at her good in disgust while you wonder if it's even edible, 'It's made of edible food, of course it's edible... but sometime mixing edible things can turn into poison tho...'

"Why don't you ever cook, mom?"

"Coraline, we’ve been through this before: your Dad cooks but if he's busy your sister does it, I clean, and you along with your sister stay out of the way." Coraline huffs while you roll you eyes. "I swear I'll go food shopping soon as we finish the catalog." She points on Coraline's plate. "Try some of the chard, you need a vegetable."

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