Chapter Seven

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In the other world. (Name) wakes up from her world, she was laying on her bed but no Coraline to be seen. She let out a sigh of relief because she thought her sister followed her advice and didn't enter the little door anymore.

She went out of the room and began looking around. She found her other father in his usual room but didn't approach him. After wandering around the house and not spotting the other mother, she decided to go out.

She's curious how big this other world is so she went to find out and while walking away from the house, she spotted the black cat staring at her from the tree. She approach him as the cat cautiously looks at her thinking that she's just one of the witch's puppets.

"Hello." (Name) greets the cat and he looks at her with relief. He meows and made her carry him.

"What's in the book?" The cat casually asks as the two walk farther away from the house.

"I couldn't read them properly. Ink, it was spilled on the contents on purpose."

"Somethings are left better unseen, I suppose..."

"What is she?" Curious about the strange woman that resembles her other she asks.

"She's the Beldam. She eats children's soul and Wybie's great aunt's taker." The cat explains and looks at the girl. "Now tell me, how can you get in this place and specifically control the puppet?"

"I don't even know, I just woke up and I got in this body. I can't always control it, tho when I'm around Beldam it's like strings get attached and suddenly I can't control this body."

"Hmmm... then it's better for you to just let it control you. The beldam more likely doesn't sense your soul but if she does, who knows what might happen she might even trap you along with your sister."

(Name) looks around, the world in this part was completely blank. "I assume she only wants to create what makes her victim happy?"

"Correct, also I must inform you about the food; if her victim eats it would cause them to be blinded and will want to come back here again."

"Wait, you're not saying..." You stop and look at the house in front of you.

"I am. We part for now, I must catch those delicious mouse, if you don't mind?"

"Go ahead, Kitty. I'll look for Coraline now." The cat bid the girl fare well as he disappears behind a bush.

Earlier in the real world.

When everyone was asleep, Coraline the youngest in the house plans to go back to the other world. She takes some yellow cheese from her pocket that she carefully hid from her sister earlier.

She puts the cheese by the door as it acts as a mice bait after that she lies down and her breathing slows as she falls asleep. The doll watching her with a nearly imperceptible smile on its face.

Some time later Coraline heard something waking her up from her dream. She sits up as her sister stirs so quietly and carefully she gets out of her bed after seeing a couple of kangaroo mice stealing the last bit of cheese.

She follows them with a smile on her face as they hop down the stairs with the cheese. On the little door the mice went inside a crack where they disappear. She pulls it open. The bricks are gone and a tunnel is revealed. She looks back for any sigh of her sister but, no spotting her she doesn't hesitate and enters the little door.

Coraline enters their other kitchen to find her other mother and other sister preparing a delicious breakfast. She notices her other mother looks prettier tonight with her black hair shining and her lips redder.

Other (Name) turns to greet her sister with a smile hiding the real (Name)'s frown at her sister but it's not like she can blame her. The button eyed girl informs her mother at Coraline's arrival even if she knows that her creator already know this.

The other mother stops humming a lullaby to greet Coraline. "Welcome back, darling."

Coraline greets them both as Other (Name) grates the yellow cheese into scrambled eggs.

"So thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar, Coraline."

"Cheddar?... Oh, the mice bait..."

'Mice bait?! Why didn't I notice that before?' (Name) thought preparing the plates for breakfast.

"Would you go fetch your father?" She beams at Coraline. "Bet he’s hungry as a pumpkin by now!"

'Because he's made of pumpkin...' Another voice in (Name)'s head spoke causing her to go on red alert thinking that the other mother can read minds.

'She can't control her creations fully.' A voice unlike the other mother's informs her as Coraline leaves to find the other father.

"I'll go get him now, mother." The teen in the room informs her creator as the older woman just nods and continues what she was doing. The girl finally gains control when she was out of sight.

'Let's go get the other Wybie.' The girl cautiously let the voice lead her to the sewing room where she finds other Wybie. She greets her but she just waved.

"She didn't give you a voice?" The girl asks and he nods. Relaying on the voice again, she let it lead her outside unseen by Coraline. She instructs Wybie to wait for them outside as he nods.

The teen enters the kitchen. The other father saw this. "There she is! Come on now join us, your sister won't eat without you."

"Thank you for waiting for me." (Name) thanks them and Coraline began her feist after greeting her. She listen to then speaking as she let the original owner of the body control her and she slowly eats her food and eat as little as possible but not letting the Beldam notice it.

"Coraline, Mr. Bobinsky has invited you and (Name) to come see the Jumping Mice perform after dinner."

"Really. That know-it-all Wybie said it was all in Mr. B’s head, I knew he was wrong."

"Well, everything’s right in this world,  Kiddo." Other father says.

Coraline hurries to shovel in the rest of her meal, while  her Other Parents smile at one another as (Name) relaxes herself and not remove the food from her sister's mouth.

"Your father and I will clean up while the three of you head upstairs."

"Three?" As she says that, a knock is heard from the door. (Name) opens it to reveal the other Wybie who was cleaner, with better posture, and cute button eyes.

"Great... another Wybie. Hello, Why-wereyou-born." Coraline greets him and luckily your body didn't move on your command or else you would have kicked your sister on the shin. The boy just nods with his button eyes shining.

"Hello?" Coraline tries again and he just makes a shy smile but, doesn’t answer. She’s confused.

"I thought you’d like him more, if he  spoke a little less." The other mother held him by his shoulder as she shrugs, smiling. "So I fixed him."

'Fixed him....? What in the world?'

"So he can’t talk at all?"

You involuntaey answer. "Nope." Coraline looks at other Wybie over appreciatively.

"Hmm, I like it."

The Beldam looks proud at herself for this for what ever reason. "Now run along, you three, and have fun."

'What in the world is wrong with this woman.'

(Name) heads out the door with the two leading them upstairs where the circus is suppose to be held.

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