sick day (erling haaland)

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note: this was requested. if you have requests, please let me know and I'll get to them. happy reading!!

You let out a sigh at the sound of your boyfriend groaning again in pain. That was followed by him gagging. Turning to your side, you got a soft, baby blue cloth and headed to the bathroom to wet it. You came back to see Erling struggling, holding his head and shutting his eyes tightly. You went to his side and ran your hands through his glossy blond hair in an attempt to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry you're feeling like this," you cooed. "Do you want something? Maybe soup?" You put the cloth on Erling's forehead. He opened his hooded green eyes and looked at you. You put your hand on Erling's warm cheek, got up, and headed to the kitchen to make him some food.

You pulled out a can of soup and poured it into a saucepan. You added water and left it to boil while wondering what else you could do for your boyfriend. You knew he probably felt horrible he could not go to training today. He definitely tried to, but it seemed like he could not get out of bed. The soup came to a boil, and you poured it into a bowl to take it to Erling.

He wasn't too keen on what you brought and immediately frowned. "You have to have something, babe. You want to get rid of your headache, don't you?" you set the bowl down on top of the side drawer and then rummaged through a drawer to pull out a pack of tablets.

After much convincing, Erling had the soup, even though he stuck out his tongue every two minutes. Then came the tricky part- making him take the medicine. He shook his head and repeatedly refused.

"I don't need medicine. Just got to go outside and start running a little," he grumbled.

"You can do that as soon as you take this. Please, for me. You don't want Dortmund to lose 4-0 because their top striker decided to be a baby and not get well, do you?" you said, hoping it would change his mind.

All Erling did was flinch. You sighed and said, "Baby, you've done many harder things in life. All the intense training sessions, the jet-lag of Champions' League nights, being far away from home. Taking one tablet won't hurt a bit. You'll only taste it for a split second, and after that the water will wash all of that away."

Erling didn't seem to budge. How was he sick and still stubborn? You took your eyes off him and onto the bed, where you spotted Erling's favorite stuffed animal- a fuzzy lion. Luckily, he was too busy sulking, so you snatched the lion and hid it behind your back. Erling batted his eyes at you and tried to reach for his toy.

You heard Erling groan for the fifth time today, this time not from sickness but from annoyance. "Nooo," he said. "Give him back. Come on, I'm sick. Don't do this to me now."

"Only and only if you agree to take this medicine. Please. Please," you pleaded. "It's only for your own good. I promise it'll make you feel so much better. Maybe you could even go to training tomorrow."

"Fine," he gave up. "Fine, I'll take it."

"Drama queen," you laughed. "Thank you for listening."

Erling swallowed the pill and gulped a glass of water. You ran your hand through his hair and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. Then, you gave him a tight hug, rubbing his back to sooth him. "You'll feel better in no time," you comforted him as you returned his stuffed toy.

Afterwards, you walked to the kitchen with your supplies. You felt bad for Erling. He worked too much and sometimes forgot to take care of himself. And now he was sick, but you hoped he'll get better soon. You knew Jadon and Gio probably missed him the second they did not see him in training. You would of course do whatever you could to help him, knowing he'd probably do even more for you if you faced a similar situation.

You came back to your room and saw your boyfriend yawn. "I think it's best if you sleep now," you said. "Rest always helps."

"Only if you're here too," he yawned again then looked at you with puppy eyes. You patted his pale cheek and nodded your head. Anything for him. You helped tuck him in and made sure he had his little stuffed lion. Then you slid into the blanket as well and stroked his hair until you saw him relax and close his eyes.

You didn't realize when you dozed off too, but your dreams were suddenly interrupted by the noise of the bed creaking and groans. You blinked a couple times and looked right to your side to see Erling kicking his feet and shifting positions every second. "No, no, no," he whined.

You sat up and tried to wake him. "Erling," you said gently, "Hey, it's okay." After a few failed attempts, he finally woke up and gripped onto your waist. You looked down and noticed there were tears near his eyes.

"Aww, sweetheart, it was only a dream. Everything is okay," you comforted him. "Do you want to talk about it?" you asked.

"I thought I lost you," your boyfriend replied, a little out of breath. "It was just a nightmare, thank goodness."

You start massaging Erling's head and started humming. "I'm going nowhere, especially with you like this. Go to sleep again; I'll be right here when you need me," you assured him as you continued to hum. You felt a little self-conscious to do so, but he told you multiple times how much he likes your voice.

"I love you so much," Erling said, looking up at you. "Once, I'm better, I'm going to make sure you get pampered too. Sorry for being a baby"

You let out a little laugh and bend down to kiss him. "Gladly accepted. I love you too. All I need now is for you to just recover as soon as you possibly can. Can't wait to see you on the pitch again, scoring bucket loads of goals."

"All dedicated to you," Erling said, closing his eyes again.

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