defeat (jack grealish)

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You were scrolling through your phone while the ads played in the background on TV. Unfortunately Aston Villa lost, so you weren't really in the mood for anything fun. Sometimes you hated how much your emotions relied on a simple football game. But of course, you wouldn't trade it for the world.

You heard the front door close loudly and knew who entered but didn't really want to get up or even look. And soon, there came Jack, trudging along with a bag over his shoulders. He tossed it on the floor and plopped on the couch, clearly in a horrible mood.

You put your phone down and glanced at him. Jack threw his head back and closed his eyes. You debated whether to go up to him or not but then figured what was the harm.

"Hey," you said gently.

Your boyfriend opened his eyes and looked at you. "Should've won that," he groaned. Then he got up and went upstairs. Losing was common in games. It happens to everyone, but that wouldn't ever take away the immediate frustration and anger. You knew how committed Jack was to his profession and how hard he worked. So that just doubled his annoyance.

You wondered what you could do for him. He probably wouldn't want to eat something grand. He wouldn't want to do any gaming. He probably wouldn't even want to talk, but you wanted to make him feel better somehow.

You went up to your room and heard the sound of the shower running. Knowing Jack was inside, you pulled out a stack of note cards then quickly wrote some encouraging and funny quotes on as many as you could. You then went around and stuck the notes in places you knew Jack would notice.

You were getting tired and knew he wasn't in the best mood, so it would be best to just go to sleep. He could clear his mind better that way. So you did just that.

In the morning, you were woken up with several kisses. You smiled as you saw your boyfriend kneeling next to your bed.

"Hey, you know how I get after losses. Sorry I'm always a jerk to you too. You don't deserve that, baby. Thank you for all the notes. They made me smile," he said as he touched your cheek.

You sat up. "Did they really? I'm sorry about the loss. I was not in the best mood myself. But you know, there's always another game and another opportunity to win. Just keeping working hard, and they will bear fruit."

Jack pulled you into a hug. "You always know just what to say. I love you."

"I love you too," you giggled as you rested your head on his shoulder.

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