Near Death Experience

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Steve, Lincoln, and both of the hotel room intruders all stared at each other, while the enemies pushed Lincoln and Steve towards the back of the main room, with Stella still being asleep, and the two crooks didn't know Stella was even in the hotel room with them, and possibly who she even was.

"Bradley, Chandler?! What the fuck are you doing here?! How are y'all not dead?!" Lincoln demanded to know, as the two hooded/masked perpetrators were identified as Chandler McCann, Lincoln's arch-enemy, and Bradley Fuller, Steve's arch-enemy.

Lincoln had nearly killed Chandler at an after-school fight when Chandler mocked Lincoln after Clyde's death. Bradley and Steve's history extends to almost 10 years ago when Bradley murdered Steve's best friend John Kane, and not to mention that Bradley almost killed Steve and Lincoln multiple times.

"You and Steve have a bad perception. You thought you killed me twice when you never even killed me, hell, you guys didn't even break any of my bones. Now sit still..." Bradley said with an evil tone.

As Chandler and Bradley cornered the other two men, they didn't intend to kill them, not yet, but instead, they tied them up and shut their mouths closed with duct tape. Once the victims were rendered useless via rope and duct tape, they were stuffed into garbage bags.

"Let's bring them to the abandoned foundry place down by Rizal Park!" Bradley laughed to Chandler.

"Good call, we're gonna torture these faggots until they'll be crying!" Chandler laughed back.

The boys left the room and approached a parking lot near a backside entrance on the lower level of the hotel, where they stuffed the bodies into the back of a big van.

When they arrived to the abandoned foundry factory, Chandler dumped Lincoln out of the bag, with Bradley doing the same with Steve.

Once they entered the factory through a smashed open metal door on the side, Chandler and Bradley pulled out some metal chains, and they would use them to chain the men to a railing connected to a balcony.

Finally, the duct tape was ripped off of Lincoln and Steve, who were hanging upside down from a balcony railing, chained by the feet.

"So, did you miss us, ladies?" Bradley joked as he smirked.

"Brad, you're an asshole," Steve remarked. Bradley frowned and picked up a small metal pipe on the ground and struck Steve's ribs with it. Steve yelped in agony and tried to grab his chest but he was restricted from the chains.

Chandler took the pipe from Bradley and looked over at Lincoln, and then Chandler started to say, "Now, Lincoln...if we spare you two idiots, which we probably won't, we'll settle for one of your sisters...or maybe all of them...with your parents!" He sadisitcally laughed with Bradley until Lincoln asked, "Bradley, how the hell did you find Chandler?! And how the hell did you find us so quickly?!"

"I encountered him when he was being treated in the hospital and I convinced him to join me in a quest to kill you and your new best friend. Also, we threatened your family and asked them where you were. We took your sister's tracking device, which we have right now," Bradley claimed as he pulled out the small technological device.

"YOU SENT THE FBI TO MY HOUSE?!" Lincoln yelled.

Bradley chuckled and then corrected with, "Oh, no, Lincoln. Only Chandler and I went there. If you want us to send FBI agents to your house, we'll be more than glad to-"

"Why did you turn against us at my house when you revealed yourself as an FBI agent?!" Steve asked through grunts.

"I had to get back at you for not finishing the job in college. Also, I wanted to make you guys clean up my messes for me, and I didn't want you guys to snitch on me. Don't worry, you guys will be able to see Clyde and John in hell soon," Bradley said, and that last statement made both victims furious.

Chandler and Bradley both had small metal pipes now, and as Chandler walked up to Lincoln, Bradley announced "Let's party!!" For about 5 minutes, Lincoln and Steve were both struck multiple times with the pipes, leaving them with broken ribs and bloody bodies. Ultimately, both men passed out from the blows.

When Lincoln woke up, Steve was still asleep, possibly even dead. He had forgotten where he was or what he had been doing. He started to hear someone calling his name, until he opened his eyes all the way and saw Stella standing in front of him.

"S-S-Stella? Am I dreaming?" Lincoln asked, full of pain.

"No, but we must hurry. I overheard the altercation at the hotel," Stella said while keeping watch for Bradley and Chandler, and it appeared as if they left the facility.

"How did you know to come here, though? Did you know this place already?" Lincoln questioned.

"I heard them, and also I used to sleep here sometimes when I wasn't wanted at home. Now hold still, I'm gonna cut these chains," Stella claimed.

She used a fire-powered hydro tool to burn off the metal chains, making Lincoln fall to the ground, and then she followed suite with Steve.

Steve woke up when he hit the ground, and Stella told him everything she told Lincoln. When Stella helped the men out of the foundry building, they hid behind a dumpster, because they overheard Bradley and Chandler incoming. It was dark outside now, and the beaten duo couldn't see what they were doing, especially in this condition.

Once the reunited trio escaped the area and went back to the hotel, they had a discussion.

"We need to take you guys to the hospital. We should also call the police," Stella began.

"The police would be too dangerous to call, I think we should tell you our stories," Steve answered.

The story was revealed to Stella, she was mixed between anger, sadness, and worriedness. 

"Well, can we at least go to the hospital?" Stella asked.

The men agreed and then the trio went to the hospital. When they were in hospital beds and being treated, Lincoln realized something terrifying: Bradley and Chandler still had the tracker with them.

They would know everywhere the two friends would go.

Loud House: Lincoln's New Family (Book 2, SERIES DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora