New Love

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Lincoln was still saddened about a lot of things, but one thing that saddened him the most was how Ronnie Anne and he said goodbye to each other. Steve and Lincoln drove all the way to Ronnie Anne's apartment, when she found out that he was leaving, and why he was. She became furious at his actions and slammed the door in his face without even saying goodbye.

Pop Pop had told Lincoln stories about the Philippines when he was stationed there in the army.

He said that Filipino girls really love American boys and that it was really easy to find a girl, but then again that was 40+ years ago.

Lincoln needed a new person to love and a new family, but Steve was good enough for now. Lincoln was angry at Steve sometimes for endangering both of them and almost getting them killed multiple times, and also the fact that they had to leave the entire country, but he knew Steve did care for him.

Steve had two mindsets. Sometimes it seems like he would use Lincoln, and for others, it seemed like he would protect them.

The bedroom door slowly opened and then Steve asked Lincoln, who was down on the floor, "Hey, kiddo. What do you say we have some fun in the town?"

Lincoln stood up and answered "Sure, Steve. I need to get my mind off of things."

"Are you okay?" Steve worriedly asked.

"I just miss a lot of things, that's all. I would've never thought that I would end up as a murderer who had to leave the US," Lincoln claimed.

"Look, sorry if I used you. It was my fault we had to leave the country," Steve claimed.

"Keep in mind you also saved my life, you didn't kidnap me, and you cared about me, as a father would," Lincoln recalled.

Steve's heart warmed up hearing those words, as Lincoln viewed him as a father.

The boys left the hotel and walked down the street looking for cool stores and stuff like that.

All of a sudden, Lincoln saw a familiar face walking down the opposite side of the street.

" can't be...can it?" Lincoln whispered to himself. Then, he wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into a girl, making both people fall down.

"Hey, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Lincoln apologized.

"It's okay, I'm fine," the girl assured as Lincoln helped her up.

Lincoln scanned her body and then muttered "Damn you are fine."

The girl cocked an eyebrow and quickly asked "What was that?" Lincoln quickly said, "Uh, nothing!"

"Hey, Lincoln, I'll be in that store over here if you need me," Steve pointed towards a small shop to his left.

Lincoln nodded and then looked back over at the girl, who thought she was absolutely beautiful.

It was getting awkward and then the girl said "Uhm, I'm Stella Zhau. What's your name?"

(In this story Stella never moved to Royal Woods).

"L-Lincoln Loud. Nice to m-meet you, Stella," Lincoln stuttered.

"Say, you're kind of cute, Lincoln. Your hair is unique. A little strange, but unique," Stella giggled.

The inside of Lincoln's body was going nuts as he said "Of course! I'm with my, Steve." Lincoln didn't know whether to call Steve a friend or his dad, and he settled for the latter.

Lincoln asked Stella "Are you with your parents?"

Stella frowned and said "My parents are at home. I've never been close with them."

"Tell you what: Steve and I are looking to buy a house, but in the meantime, you can stay in our hotel room with us. What do you say?"

"I don't know, maybe. That's a serious topic. How long have you guys lived here for?" Stella answered.

"We actually moved here today. That's why we're in a hotel right now. We're very rich, by the way," Lincoln claimed.

Stella's eyebrows rose as she heard those last words. "Uhm, I guess. My parents never really cared about me, anyway, and you seem pretty nice. I have to say, though: why did you dye your hair red?"

This time it was Lincoln's eyebrows that shot up, as he didn't want to tell Stella about his criminal life.

"Uhm...I thought it looked cool, nothing too serious," Lincoln lied as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Alright, Lincoln boy, let's go!" A voice yelled from behind them, revealing Steve.

"Hey, Steve, can this girl Stella stay with us for a little while? She seems nice and she doesn't get along with her parents," Lincoln said.

Steve rubbed his chin and then said "I guess. Nice to meet you, Stella, I'm Steve, Lincoln's, er, dad."

The two shook hands and as they were preparing to walk around town some more, Stella hugged Lincoln tightly and Lincoln squirmed in happiness and pain.

Happiness quickly faded, though, as Lincoln spotted the familiar face he saw earlier.

The person saw him this time, recognized him, and shouted "LINCOLN?!"

If they revealed Lincoln's past, he would be doomed and Stella would leave forever.

Lincoln trembled and prepared for the worst.

Loud House: Lincoln's New Family (Book 2, SERIES DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora