Secrets Revealed

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Lincoln was terrified at the sight he was seeing: he saw somebody that would possibly ruin his relationship with Stella, get him arrested, or worse: it was Lori Loud.

"Lincoln?! What are you doing here?! Also, what the hell did you do to your hair??? And why is your right hand all bandaged up???" Lori asked as she ran up to Lincoln, Steve, and Stella.

"Uhm...I dyed my hair earlier, and I cut my hand a few days ago on a big tomato slicer, blood was all over the place," Lincoln stuttered, scared to death, not knowing how to even start.

"And who are these people??" Lori questioned.

Lincoln gulped and prepared to say something, until Steve asked Lori, "Who are you?"

Lori frowned and claimed "I'm Lincoln's oldest sister. I'm here on a college trip right now. Who are you?"

"Uhm, uh...I-" Lincoln was cut off.

"Lincoln, how many sisters do you have?" Steve asked his companion, since he had never met Lori before, or even heard about her.

"Too many...Lori, this is Steve. He was the man who saved me from a street gang. He took me home, where I begged Mom and Dad for him to stay, and they accepted. Then, we decided to take a vacation to the Philippines. And this...this is Stella, a friend who I just met. We were going to return to our hotel room," Lincoln lied, as he wanted to leave out all the details about murders and crimes.

"How long are you guys here for? I'm here for another two weeks, I would've told Mom and Dad but my phone died...permanently, so I have to get a new one," Lori said.

"A long time," Steve said.

Stella and Lori shot each other confused looks but shrugged it off. Lori then said, "It's too bad I don't have a phone right now, I could've asked Mom and Dad about your guys' vacation." 

Lincoln felt his heart beating like crazy and Steve whistled, trying to look innocent.

"Yeah...too bad..." Lincoln said, nervously smiling.

"Alright, the last question, then I have to go: how did you and Shaun get the money for the vacation?" Lori asked while pointing at Steve, who she had mistakenly called Shaun.

Lincoln looked over at Steve, who fibbled, "It's Steve, darling. Also, I'm rich, because I invest in stocks, and I work two jobs."

"Cool. Have fun, Lincoln. If I don't see you guys again here, see you in Royal Woods!" Lori guessed.

"Sounds good. Have fun, too, Lori," Lincoln gulped.

She waved and then ran back to wherever she came from. Lincoln and Steve let out a huge breath and then looked at each other, both wondering how they even managed to convince Lori through lies like that.

"Let's go to our hotel room, shall we?" Steve asked as he ushered the group back to the hotel.

As they were walking back, Lincoln and Stella got to know each other a little more, and Steve got to know Stella a little more, too.

"So, do your parents, not like you?" Lincoln asked Stella while walking through crowds of people.

Stella sighed and explained "Okay...I was adopted. My parents are from Italy, and they adopted me when I was around 3 months old. I'm 12 years old, just like you, and lately, things have gotten worse. More arguing, more disagreements, blah blah blah. I'm ready to move out, all my mom cares about is the clubs and bars, and my dad works full time and never really sees me a lot."

Lincoln and Steve both apologized to her and assured her that she was welcome to join them in their so-called "vacation". Stella considered it and then the trio arrived at the hotel. 

Loud House: Lincoln's New Family (Book 2, SERIES DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now