Chapter Sixteen: Reverence

Start from the beginning

I moved around a tree and paused. I could hear loud conversation and the crunching of many feet moving through snow. The cabin was in view and I hung back, wondering just what and who was coming. I allowed my magick to fill me up, simmering underneath my skin to keep ready. If it looked like Violet and her babies needed help, I was more than happy to work out some of my anger and frustration out on whoever wanted to try anything against my blood sister.

I spotted a crowd moving towards the cabin and could tell they were werewolf. There was a crowd of about twenty to twenty-five and they were pulling a rather large l, covered sled. They were jovial and laughing as they walked and I couldn't sense any malevolence from them. They seemed to just be excited and happy to be out and walking around. I waved my hand slightly in my face. My magick swirled the air in front of me wavered, enhancing the view, bringing it closer to me without me actually having to get within scenting range.

The werewolves were bundled up in winter gear and to my surprise I spotted a female werewolf walking in front next to a large werewolf. His arm was slung over her shoulders and she was tucked close to his side. They were talking and I swirled my fingers, enhancing the picture more. It took a second before the sound became clearer. "-ted! My boy will be having a babe of his own!" The female looked up at the male as she said it, her grin wide and toothy and it reminded me of Aymis when he smiled. Apparently the werewolf was strong in my little brother. I huffed out an amused breath at that.

"We shall have to start planning the celebration, my heart. When the babe is born we will celebrate for a week!" The male said it with just as much enthusiasm as the female had and I glanced at the male again, studying his features. There it was, the male looked like the werewolf named Lyxton. At the reminder I narrowed my eyes. I was so going to send my fist through his face the next time I saw him for the stupid idea he had pulled. One for interrupting me and fucking shit up, and two for putting hands on me, and three for making me bleed as he threatened to kill me. I didn't play like that.

The entire procession stopped in front of the cabin and I shifted my view so I could see the front door. I watched the scene intently as I waited. The female moved away from the male before heading to the door and knocking. There was excited noises through the crowd that I tuned out as I watched as the door opened and a male that looked rather a lot like Lyxton opened the door.

He was bundled up and I watched as he grinned, opening his arms wide, "Ma!" He pulled the female into a hug, lifting her off his feet as he gave that toothy grin before setting her down. He grasped her face and kissed both of her cheeks, looking more than excited. "Pa!" He grinned at the male as he let his mother go and I leaned against the tree further, rather interested in what was going on. "I've news. Great news!" He threw his arms wide. "I'm a father!" The accented words bellowed out of him and there were whoops of excitement that echoed the statement from the werewolves present, some of them even howling their excitement.

I watched as the female gave him another hug before cupping his face in her hands. "Wonderous! Let us meet the newest clan member!" With that she patted his cheek before letting him go. He disappeared back into the cabin and the female bounced on her feet. "A babe is born! What a wonderous day!"

The male came up behind her, hugging her tight. "We are grandparents! We must celebrate!" He said it quickly and I was surprised that they didn't share the same accent as the two males. It was strange but I shook it off as I watched carefully.

The male came back with a tiny bundle that was wrapped up tight in cold weather gear. He held it tight to his chest, beaming down at the baby. "My son. Here is my beautiful little male." He bent down and I figured he was kissing the baby's cheek before he held the child out, letting it go into his mother's waiting arms.

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