T w e l v e

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After I said no she walked away and roll her eyes then Jaden comes tuning up to you
J: want to hang at my house
J: it's ok if you don't i understand
M: no ofc yea i wanna hang
Jaden smiles
J: ok so when
M: any time works you pick
J: ok what about now
M: ok
J: bet
He sits on a bench
J: don't move
M: ok
He walks over to the others and then some one sits next to you
??: hey pretty girl are you her alone
M: I-I'm not
??: where are they then beautiful
??: exactly what I thought
He stands up and picks you up
??: your coming with me pretty girl
M: no I'm not
You try to get off of him but then he falls to the ground Jaden was behind him and punched him to e guy gets up and threw him self on Jaden but Jaden moved out of the way and punched the guy again but then he guy punched Jaden and it made him madder
M: Jaden
Your voice cracks when your saying that sentence which made him get off of the guy, you run to Jaden and hug him he hugs back
M: let's get out of here
He looks at the guy that's now gone
J: ok my house is just down the street
Y'all run there
J: over here
You look up and see blood all over his lip
M: omg Jaden your lip
J: it's fine
M: I'll help you clean it when we get there
I might post again today have a good day:)

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