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After a little bit more you pull away you look at everyone
M: was that good for y'all
Everyone's still shocked and they nod blake stops recording but he accidentally posts it on TikTok
A: we should watch a movie
Everyone agrees you don't get off of Noah's lap, you spin around so now your in between his legs he wraps his arms around you and you lean back into him. About halfway through the movie there's a scary scene you take Noah's hand, you fall asleep in his arms while handing his hand he lets go of your hand and puts his hand on your stomach and falls asleep. He then wakes up by Blake shaking him gently so Blake does wake you up
B: we need to go back
Noah pulls the cover over your and kisses your forehead the 4 of them leave addi turns the lights off and she falls asleep(all of this happened when you were asleep)
*3 days later*
Nothing had happened you and Noah have been flirting but nothing more than a peck,you and everyone decided to go to Disney land. Y'all get ready and meet at the hall. Noah hugs you from behind and then Blake starts to pass the tickets
B: don't lose it *cough* mads * cough* noah*cough*
You and Noah look at him
C: I want to spend as much time as possible
The elevator is almost full and only 4 more people can fit
No: y'all go me and mads will stay
Nessa and Blake look at each other like 😏
Them: okay
The elevator door closed Blake grabs your waist and kisses you, you kiss back the elevator opens you and Blake walk into the elevator without breaking the kiss. The elevator door closes Blake pins you to the against the wall it turns into a make out until you hear a cough you and Blake stop kissing and look and see Blake, nessa, addi, and Cynthia you and Noah go bright red
B: I knew it
Addi comes up to you and drags you out of the elevator, y'all are waking until
B: mads and Noah please don't hate me ok
M: what did you do
B: I accidentally post the video of you marking out on TikTok
You facepalm
M: it's ok we're not mad
Y'all order a Uber you sit on Noah's lap and nessa sits on Blake's because there isn't enough places, y'all get to Disney you get your passes and bracelets and start to walk around when you see...
Ooo cliff hanger have a good day:)

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