His dangerous soul-part 2

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Richard : "Babe"

Clove : yes ?

Richard : I'm here for you, I wanna know why you're always so sad and aren't able to express your feelings to me I don't stay like this , you're supposed to tell me everything that happens with you , and all your feelings!

Clove : but how? How will I be able to tell you when you don't even listen to me ! Every time I try to talk to you , you don't help , you don't say anything and I get it really ! It's not your concern and not you're responsibility to make me feel better.

Her thoughts [ if it was him , he would've helped me , but I can't ! I can't . Even him . I don't wanna talk to him !]

Richard : but ..

Clove : But what? You want me to tell you that I'm fine ? You want me to pretend like nothing is wrong with me when I'm dead inside ?

Richard : but why are you doing this to me !? I love you babe , you're the only one I ever truly loved !

Clove : sometimes love isn't enough ! I always try and try but it just never works! I can't do this anymore!!!!

Richard : if you love me you wouldn't be like this. You wouldn't be sad all the time.

Clove : you think everything is about me loving you or not ??? I've done so many things for you ! If I don't love you I wouldn't be here right now! But guess one ? Even this you wouldn't understand!
I'm tired ! I'm so tired ! I can't even trust you anymore! I can't! I feel like I don't even know you anymore!

Richard : we'll change ! We'll be the best couples ever!

Clove : how is this going to fix anything????? See!!! You don't listen to me! All you think of is if I'm with you or not ! You don't care about anything ! You don't care about my feelings! My problems! My bad situations that I have to deal with everyday ! All you care about is if I break up with you or no !

Richard : ... but I love you

Clove : that's all you gotta say ??? That's all you know??? " I love you" ? These are just words! Show me !!! I need you TO SHOW ME!

Richard : we'll become better! We'll open a new page !

Clove : you're too LATEEE , I don't trust you anymore! You keep lying to me ! About everything ! You don't let me see my best friends ! You add pressure on me without even realizing and noticing you're attitude!

Richard : babe , I love you!

Clove : is this a game to you??????? Because I don't get you ! I don't !!!! You're never here for me! NEVER! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THIS RELATIONSHIP! And what people would think! You never loved me ! In fact you planned all this! You played around ! You think I'm stupid ???

Richard : if you think you're leaving me , you won't !

Clove : And what's gonna stop me??

Richard : I won't let you! You think it's easy to just walk away from me ? Oh no you won't be leaving me until I say so which is NEVER.


Richard : conversation is ended . You got no choice but to stay with me whether you like it or no!

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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