"Oh my gosh your Bri Hastings! Your Nash's girlfriend right? I ship that so hard!" She squealed.

"I'm now his ex girlfriend." I was on the verge of crying and walked away.

I just walked out back to the car and put my bags in the passenger seat. I put the keys in the ignition and started the car. Before I started driving, I started crying. I hit the steering wheel causing the car to honk.

"God what did I do? Was I not good enough for him? Why did I trust him..." I sobbed.

I wiped my face and started driving. I stopped at Starbucks on the way home, and I when I walked in I saw Lynn. I ignored her and got my drink. On my way out the door she stopped me.

"You know Nash doesn't deserve you right?"

"Well he's not mine so you can have him."

"Good because I don't see why he'd ever go for a slut like you." She smirked.

That moment, I snapped. I set my drink calmly on a table and jumped on her and started punching her.

"Bitch I'm the slut?! Your just desperate for attention."

She attempted to pull my hair but I slapped her hand then her face. Then someone pulled me off of her. I started hitting them and then I saw who it was. It was Taylor.

"What the hell Taylor?! I had that handled!" I yelled.

"You had it handled to well." He chuckled.

"You stupid bitch! Your going to pay for that." Lynn said as she got up.

I got out of Taylors grip and ran for her. I punched her right in the nose and it started bleeding. It looked broke. I grabbed my drink, and started to walk out the door.

"I think my nose job for you was better than your last." I smirked and walked out.

"Taylor did you take a cab?" He nodded.

"Will you drive us back to the apartment?"

"Yeah, give me the keys."

I gave him the keys and got in the passenger seat, sitting quietly.

"So, I called Shawn." I said.


"He's coming tomorrow!" I squealed.

"Someone's excited to see him." Taylor chuckled.

"Yasss I'm excited. He's my singing buddy." I giggled.

When we got back to the apartment, Nash and Cam were on the couch. I walked directly into my room with Taylor.

"Let's make a YouTube video! A friend tag."

"Sounds good."

I pulled out my camera and sat down. I started recording.

"Hey guys! Its Bri Bri! Today I am doing the friend tag. I have the one and only Taylor Caniff!"

Taylor waved.

"You guys are probably wondering, where's Nash? Well, I'm sorry to break it to you guys, but Nashanna is over. It lasted almost 5 months. But it is now over."

Taylor gave me a reassuring hug. We talked for another ten minutes then I turned the camera off. I edited it and uploaded it. After about five minutes my phone started buzzing from Twitter. Some fans were commenting about the video.

Nashannalover: What? #Nashanna is over? why...

GrierIsBae: I shipped you guys though.

Then I decided to tweet out.

BriElizabeth: Yes guys. Sadly #Nashanna is over. Please don't make a trend to get us back together. I just don't want that. Sorry guys.

I locked my phone and put it on the end table. Taylor and I walked downstairs and I sat on the couch that Cam was on. Nash stood up and walked in front of me.

"So that's it? We're done? Your giving up on me."

"It's not giving up, it's ending a relationship. Now please don't talk to me. Your hurting me even more by just saying one word."

He stood me up and pulled me into a hug. I missed his hugs.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled crying into my hair.

It made me start crying. I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled his scent and put my head on his chest.

"Let's go talk." I took his hand and walked out on the balcony. We both sat down on the chairs.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. But I can't get over how you thought I was low enough to cheat you. I want to love and trust you Nash. But I don't think I can. It's like the bitch has always got to swoop in and fuck up our relationship. I told you I don't want to fight for a relationship if I end up losing. I'm losing."

"I was stupid, I know that. I can't forgive myself. I can't say or explain how sorry I am. But your not losing. If we do this right, more struggle." He said standing up.

I stood up and he hugged me. He looked down at me and I looked up at him.

"Are you willing to forgive me?"

"I swear this is your last chance. I mean that."

He smiled and kissed me.

"Will you be mine again?"

"Yes, this will also be the last time I say that."

He hugged me even tighter.

"Can we go inside now?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Great. Let's see where this doesn't go wrong. There's always someone stopping me from being happy.

A/N Gahhh that Lynn is a Biatch! I am thinking of just doing off with her. She has to mess it up for Bri. All she wants is happiness. Will she find it with Nash? I mean what could go wrong?!?!?!

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