So here they were on the weekend, following V-day, to celebrate their second Valentine together. Kongpob was very excited as this was their first Valentine's day after becoming lovers, so he had plans. Big plans-like

a) Make love to Arthit

b) Make love to Arthit on the bed

c) Make love to Arthit on the floor

d) Make love to Arthit in the shower

e) Make love to Arthit on any surface possible.

Arthit, however, was unaware of the fate in store for him and was looking forward to spending a relaxing time. Poor guy! If only he knew.


Arthit turned around to see Kongpob heading towards him.

"P', I have checked in and collected our key. Our cottage is at the end. Let's go! Are you hungry? We can keep our luggage and come back and have the buffet breakfast."


A short walk to the room, Arthit saw the cottages were built on a slope with a short flight of stairs leading to the entrance, which faced the beach and sea. And being a secluded beach, it was calm all around. He loved the feel of the place, it was quaint and rustic. But he was not prepared for the room. Entering, he was surprised to find that the room was quite luxurious, with complete wooden interiors done in Lanna style. Walking around, he checked out the room as his apprehensions increased.

"Kong! This place looks expensive. Are you sure this was covered by the sponsor?"

"Of course, P'. How else could I bring you here? It was one of the sponsored gifts for the contest. And don't forget P', I was the campus moon after all. I was crowned the best in the university. Don't I deserve some perks?" Kongpob said cheekily, but Arthit stared at him. Something seemed off.

"Are you sure, Kongpob?" he asked skeptically, and Kongpob nodded vigorously, praying that Arthit didn't see his fingers behind his back, which were crossed. The truth was he was lying. While there were many goodies and cash prizes from the sponsors, there was no gift voucher from any travel agency. This place belonged to a high school friend's family, and he had called in some favors and got this expensive place at a discounted price. 

He had always fantasized about coming to this place when his friend had shared pictures of this resort. Dipping into the money he had won as prizes in the freshy contest, he had paid for it. He wanted to do something special to commemorate their first valentines as lovers, and he knew it would be an uphill task to convince Arthit otherwise.

It was a beautiful resort in Chon Buri, which was on an off-beaten path, secluded, romantic, and less known, albeit a bit expensive, but he didn't mind that since he had already got it at a reduced price.

In other words, perfect.

The biggest attraction for Kongpob was the outdoor bathroom, with an awesome jacuzzi bathtub that overlooked the Gulf of Thailand. The minute high-schooler Kongpob had seen the pictures of the bathtub, his young mind had imagined romantic scenarios of him sharing that with his future lover. And now, he couldn't wait to get Arthit into the tub with him.

Arthit walked into the bathroom to check it, and Kongpob followed him. Stunned, Arthit just stood still when he saw the open bathroom. The door leads to an indoor closed shower area and an open space with a big tub. A tub big enough for two! Now he understood why Kongpob had insisted on coming here despite the distance. Kongpob had assured him that he would borrow his mom's car, and drive them so that they don't face any discomfort. 

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