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Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!! This story was meant for Valentine's Day! I know I am very late in posting this. Sorry!

But with everything that has been going on, finding motivation was hard. This story, by far, has taken the longest to complete. Phew!



"Kong!! Ah!! There! Yess! There! Right there! Yess! It's perfect! Don't... Don't stop, please!" Arthit pleaded between luscious moans...


"P'Arthit Khap. We are here!" Kongpob gently nudged his lover, who had dozed off about an hour ago, halfway into their journey. Seeing how busy Arthit had been off-late, Kongpob let him sleep. With all that he had planned for the next two days, he anyway didn't have any plans of letting Arthit sleep. So he might as well get whatever sleep he can.

"Hoi! Kongpob! Why didn't you wake me? I was supposed to drive for some distance."

"It's alright, P'. I am not tired. You seemed like you needed the rest anyway. Let's go!"

Stepping out of the car, Arthit stretched his limbs to remove the kinks and stiffness of his joints.

"P', I will complete the check-in process," Arthit nodded as he took in the sights. The entrance of the hotel faced the ocean, and the view was breathtaking. On an off-beat road away from the main beaches of Pattaya, the hotel was tucked away in a tropical paradise. The structure, though old and quaint, looked comfortable and cozy. Wearing his shades, he slowly walked towards the beach. 

Removing his flip-flops, he sank his feet in the warm sand, basking in the sunshine that soothed his body. They had left Bangkok in the wee hours of the morning, much to his annoyance, so he had dozed off when he couldn't hold off his sleep. Now, after getting the much-needed nap, he felt energized. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the smell of salt in the air. It always felt good closer to the sea.

Kongpob had insisted on a short trip this Valentine's day. It was their second one, and he had badgered Arthit to agree to go away. When he has crowned the university moon, he was plied with gifts from sponsors. One of the sponsors was a travel company who had given him a gift voucher which apparently was valid for two years. Since it would expire in three months, Kongpob had insisted on using it this Valentine.

Seeing his earnest puppy-like expression, Arthit had conceded, so they decided to go away on the weekend after Valentine's day. Kongpob wanted to go on Valentine's day, but what kind of a senior would he be if he encouraged his junior to skip classes. While the lover in him had conceded to agreeing to go on a holiday, the hazer didn't back down, and Kongpob had to accept defeat here. 

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