"Hey boss? We have something new." One of my men had approached me knocking on my door.

"News is that Vic is back and so are her parents. They've requested you for something. Specifically Victoria." They continued.

"Oh fuck, Vic? She's back? I am not going near that crazy bitch again... go do something useful than rather piss me off." I dismissed.

"Yes boss."

Victoria  fucking Diaz. Man she's crazy.
Three years ago I had been  forced to work with her and her obnoxious family. She never got the hint that I had no interest in being with her in any way. She was so clingy and obsessive, I couldn't see other women or she'd try and pretend to be my girlfriend or even threaten them every time we'd ship things.

Don't get me wrong, Vic is sexy as hell. She's Colombian, I think that pretty much says it all. She  is a crazy bitch and I can't see her again. At least not alone... maybe I can ask Sofía to pretend to be my girlfriend, just for one night?

I make my way down to her room when I hear something, someone is talking, but where. It almost sounded like a whimper or a moan. Maybe it was Ramone cleaning wounds or something. That fucker is always getting beat up. But then I heard my name. It sounded like a girl? Were they doing what I thought?

"Ay chica I need you to do something for me-. Sofía?" I said knocking as entered her room. I looked around and scanned the room thinking she escaped somehow. I don't know what came over me. My mind instantly thought of bad  and panicked. I slightly worried about her. I searched the halls, her closet, the gym and she was found nowhere. I tried checking all the bathrooms on each floor and she was in one of them. The one I had heard my name in.  It was the last thing I had thought of. I took a deep breath in relief. I was so happy she was okay.

Me being the gentleman I am, I obviously knocked first.

"Ay estás bien ahí? Are you okay in there?" I asked repeatedly asked and got no answer.

"Okay you're not answering me so I'm coming in!"

I burst through the door to find her scattered, dead looking on the floor of the king shower. My heart just completely stopped.
"Shit!", I yelled. I couldn't breathe. My instinct was to jump in and grab her out. I rushed a towel off the rack and swaddled her with it. I made sure to not look at her body, maybe one glimpse. I had  to make sure she was ok. mid way through carrying her out the bathroom, she frantically  jumps up screaming.

"What the fuck are you doing. I thought you were dead or escaped or something!" I yelled.

Sofía was so scared, but I knew exactly why. She had a sex dream about me!

"I...what. Oh my god what! Put me down, why are you holding me. Oh my god no!" Sofía exclaimed.

Before I could even give her a response she quickly runs into her closet, she's so adorable when she gets scared.

"Hey how was I by the way?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

"Excuse me?" She replied. It felt like she knew exactly what I Was talking about, but she couldn't stay in denial for long.

"Oh you know, in your little fantasy dream you had of me? You know if you're going to fall asleep in the main shower, make sure nobody can hear you...sleep talking love. You actually might want to see a doctor, from what I've heard, it's pretty powerful."
I chuckled, trying so hard to not burst out laughing. I was going to make sure she would never hear the end of this.

I honestly was kind of flattered. The way I portrayed my emotions in that moment may have given her the wrong message, but I can assure you I liked that she thought of me that way.

She was pissed. The way she walked out of the closet with pure disgust on her face, almost as if I had just told her that somebody died. All Sofía did was stand there in her black, satin robe staring at me. Part of me wanted to apologize for being so childish, another part of me wanted to keep getting her angry, she was too adorable. I just kept winking at her and kept making face gestures at her. She was NOT pleased.

"The fuck did you just say?!"

Sofía yelled quietly, deepening her voice. She was trying so hard  to sound tough. Don't get me wrong, strong ladies are sexy. But, Sofía's voice did not match her innocent looks.

I stood there trying to hold in my laughter, but couldn't for much longer. I  ran out of her room, releasing my shoulder from leaning against her wall and started laughing, running into the hallway.

I started to release a small grin. There it was again. Those feelings I had before, Sofía had been making me into some type of softy. I didn't like how I felt so vulnerable but at the same time I loved how she made me feel. I had to push her away... this time for real. I have to fight off my obvious strong feelings for her, it's for the best... for the both of us.






"Who the fuck can't send one simple text!" I yelled, attracting Seb and the rest of the guys.

It was information about Geovani. I didn't recognize the number so I had Luca, one of my members, run a quick scan. Nobody could find a name or even an address.

"yo salgamos, tenemos oídos. let's move, we've got ears on us." I pointed towards Sofía's room holding my finger over my lip, shushing my team. If she ever found out about what I was doing, she'd never forgive me. But it must be done no matter who got in the way.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥: The Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now