Seconds, minutes and hours had passed and night began to fall. It was almost getting dark. Linda would have texted Ken but she wanted this to be a surprise. She couldn't ruin it now that she had gone far.

She got excited when she saw a man in a suit walking towards her who she taught was Ken but sadly was not. He was well built, handsome and looked very professional as well as the bunch of group of people looking following him close behind. He looked annoyed that even when Linda greeted him as he passed her, he looked twice and just grunted.

"Wonder what happened to him." Linda thought.
She waited longer until she sighed and got up, carrying her hand bag and her gifts for Ken with her and walked out of the lounge. She went back to Bernard's reception table.
"Hey Bernard. I think I'll just drop these at Ken's office. Can I have his key?"

"Of course." Bernard shrugged. Opening one of his drawers, he brought out a card key and handed it to Linda. She made her way to Ken's office on the top floor using the elevator.

In the elevator, was another man who was holding a tray of coffee and cappuccinos. He greeted Linda (knowing her as Ken's fiancée). She greeted back and stepped out of the elevator.
"Wow so pretty" the man said to himself watching Linda walk away.

Bernard was right, he wasn't around-and so was his personal assistant. His office was empty and cold. What wasn't cold though was the filled up sofa of Valentine gifts from people.

It had been a long time she had seen Ken's personal assistant, Maddie. She looked exactly like that woman in the mall she saw yesterday. She couldn't guarantee it was her, besides, she hadn't seen her in a while.
"Maybe Maddie must have followed him to his meeting" Linda said as she walked over to his table.

Linda walked to 'gift-sofa' and picked a box of chocolates and read the gift card that came with it.

She chuckled as she read it, "It's like these girls or women don't know that Ken Stone is about to get married, I bet some of them are just there for his money" she said as she rolled her eyes.

She put the chocolate box back and looked at her own gifts. She couldn't keep it here, Ken may mistaken her own with the other gifts. She wondered when he will get back from that meeting. She leaned on Ken's work desk and hanged her head down. She saw something in the little dust bin beside the desk which she bent down to pick out. It was a portrait-Her and Ken's portrait, like the one back at her house in her room.
But what was it doing in the dustbin?

Linda thought it was a mistake. Maybe it fell in there and nobody noticed. She shrugged and put the portrait back on the desk. She checked her watch. It was 8:45pm already.
"Woah! How long have I been here?" Linda asked herself. She stood hands on her hips until she had an idea.

"I'll go to his penthouse! Ugh! Why didn't I think of this before! He would be there by now"
She picked up her bag and gifts and took to downstairs. She waved Bernard goodbye and drove to Ken's penthouse.....

"Oh cmon baby, she's not coming today!" A woman with shoulder length, black hair whined as she played with Ken' hair as they both lied down on the bed covered with the sheets.

"I know but we have had enough fun, it's time for you to go home" Ken said as he brushed Maddie away from him.

She sat up straight and looked at Ken with an angry look.
"It's your fiancée isn't it?" She asked.

"What about her?" Ken raised his eyebrows.

"What do you see in her? I mean she only cares about herself. How could she choose her stupid, low paying job over you? Seriously Ken, she doesn't deserve you" she huffed.

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