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It was just the commencement of the Christmas holidays at the Harley castle, but as luck would have it, both Passio and Orion had to leave for France in connection with a meeting, and would return only after new years. The mothers had also gone for meeting with the 'Tom Riddle Squad' as Hiya called it, thus giving Sirius the chance to tiptoe into Hiya's room. The rest of the Harley castle was quite modern but Hiya's room gave an antique vibe, making it very incongruous.

The ascent of the stairs was made out of cream coloured sand marble and the entire realm was pleasantly embracing. He looked at the room in awe. The whole passageway leading to the room was kindled by lamps made of clay that were filled with oil. The leisured and cool wind whistled in his ears as a welcome greeting. Antipodal to the corridor, was a dingy room. The stone marble balusters made it look like a county courthouse. It had two paltry chandeliers and one colossal, directly above the bed.

There was a towpath to reach the bed. There was a huge spherical bed in the centre, but that wasn't the predominant feature. The room was surrounded by water. The towpath was broad enough, only for three people to walk together. Rest of the room was water. The bed was encircled by water and another pathway was connected to the bed, ushering to a three sided stair that anchored a sitting table.

The burble sound of the gently, but moving water and the electrifying chirping of the birds, made it look no less than a paradise. The water had lotus and clay lamps floating in it.

In the centre, on the bed was a sleeping girl, breathing at persistent rate. The Black spawn didn't mean to wake her up, but his footsteps appeared to be quite deafening in the voiceless room.

The girl woke up, to see the Black her, staring at her gently.

"Sorry!" he said grinning sheepishly, "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Ah, it's okay!" she yawned.

"Your room?" he motioned towards his surroundings, which was nothing less than beautiful.

"Yeah, it's different from other rooms, but is very beautiful" she sighed dreamingly.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it's very peaceful. The sound of the water splinter in my ears is definitely a relief to my mother's curses." She gave a hallow laugh.

Sirius knew he wouldn't let the mood spoiled.

"Let's do something! I am bored." He whined.

"I know but at least get changed" she cried pushing him off the bed, but the push was so powerful, that Sirius fell in the water surrounding the bed.

Hiya roared in laughter and it didn't help when Sirius emerged to the surface with a lotus leaf on his head and a toad sitting on it.

"I'll kill ya" he murmured.

"You wish" she sassed back.

"Oh believe me! I do" he replied with a raised eyebrow. She rolled her eyes and helped him out of the water.

"Merlin, you are heavy!" she breathed out in exhaustion.

"You should have thought that before practically shoving in the water" he cried, shaking his head to remove the additional water from his hair; like a dog.

"Now now my frog prince" Sirius raised a brow at the nickname, "go and get ready so that we could do something about your 'boredom.'"


They decided to do their breakfast at the dining table with Felix and Rictum. Throughout the breakfast, Rictum kept asking Sirius awkward and weird questions, making Hiya bite her tongue to hold back laughter.

They ran to Hiya's room and started fooling around till Sirius came across her Polaroid journal.

"What's a Polaroid" he asked.

"You don't know?" she asked.

So the next hour was passed by explaining him Polaroid and its uses.

"That's waste of space"

Hiya audibly gasped. "You take that back." She warned.

"You wish" but regretted immediately.

Hiya tackled his on the bed, face on the bed and sat on his back.

"Take that back" she growled.

"No!" he regretted instantly.

That night Hiya Harley sat on Sirius's back till the time he didn't take it back.

Little did he know that these Polaroid were going to be a very special place in his heart.

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