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The next day was the most precious day in the life of Hiya Harley. She woke up at 5:28 in the morning, and rushed to the balcony, that was connected to the garden just outside her room, where the morning sun rays embraced her in a tight hug and a gentle forehead kiss by the flowing wind. The water droplets (normally called morning dew), fell on her face as a good morning and the flames from the lantern in her hand, heated up her face. Even Mother Nature was excited for her.

She then practically skipped to her room, entering the washroom and started bathing, while listening to The Beatles' latest releases (don't let me down, here comes the sun, come together and half of hey Judy). After three and a half songs later, she stopped bathing. She glanced at the watch on the wall, showing the time 7:30. She still had one and a half hour left before leaving, which only meant one thing; JAMMING.

She had brought a music player just for the sake of pissing her parents, but soon found interest in it. Then she brought cds after cds and now she had a whole pile of it.

She climbed on the bed, wet hands, bathrobes on, an upside down cone in her hand and started singing.

'Let it be, let it be,

Let it be, let it be,

Whisper words of wisdom

Let it be'

After the beautiful concert of one hour, she only had half an hour left, out of which, she spend fifteen minutes in doing over acting of all sorts, in front of the mirror. She was left with only fifteen minutes left to get ready. 'Hah! I've got plenty of time', she thought, but her mother had other plans.

There was suddenly a knock on the door.


"Who's there?", Hiya asked, reducing the volume of the song playing.

"Mistress, Cissy is at your service." a voice squeaked outside the door.

Cissy was the house elf that was assigned the personal care of Hiya.

"Mistress, big mistress has sent Cissy to bring you down for breakfast!"

"Okay, you go Cissy, I'll be there in five minutes"

Hiya changed into the cloths she was planning to wear that day on king's cross. A tricolor (red, white and black) jumper, skinny high-waist jeans, and a retro watch on her wrist. She had her hair very short, reaching only the end tip of her ears, so she didn't need to do something to them. She just brushed them once, and left them the way they were. Hiya had a very sensitive skin, so it was important to have some kind on cream on her face, after washing it. She applied a moisturizer all over her face and ran out of the room.

"Sorry-w-was-get-getting-ready", she panted. Her mother sneered at her, "What for Salazar are you wearing?"

"Nothing" she shrugged innocently.

"What?" her mother asked dumbly.

"Geez woman, you asked what I was wearing for Salazar, I said nothing, because I'm wearing it for myself, not some old coot. I think you should take lessons for understanding sarcasm"

"That was lame", Rictum whispered in her ears

"Does it even matter? I got her silent." She grinned at her brother

"Shut up and eat. And you miss," she turned to Hiya, "need to change into something classy. You're a part of the secret 29 families; we have a reputation to behold"

Hiya rolled her eyes but said nothing. She looked at the plate in front of her. All was fancy, just fancy, nothing that could fill her up.

"Can I get some real food?"She requested quietly, hoping no one could hear her, but her mother did.

"What do you think is in front of you? Garbage?"

Hiya couldn't back out now. Gathering all the courage she could, she answered,

"How can you call this food?"

"It's healthy for all of us", her mother answered shortly

"Healthy? Oh, of course, so healthy that you eat the whole bowl and feel as if eaten literally nothing. This isn't food mum. Peels of cucumber, piece of salmon and a basil leaf. That's it?" she tried to explain to her mother

"If you want to eat, then eat, otherwise go and change", her father said. He turned to his sons and explained "We would have to leave early. Your mother and I have meetings to attend."

"And you," her mother sneered at her,"Come we need to get you changed"


It was a champagne nude jumper with baggy sleeves, black high waist skirt, only reaching her mid thigh with thigh high boots, that her mother gave her to wear. It honestly looked like a night out outfit, than that of going to school. No doubt it was beautiful, but it would look good on a fully grown up girl, not a 11 year old kid. But Hiya was smart enough to keep her previous cloths in a hand bag, hoping to change into them as soon as she gets on the train.

As soon as she came out in the living room, they were ready to leave.

"Come and now, BEHAVE, and owl us when you get sorted into slytherin", her father said with a sense of uncertainty.

And for the first time since the morning, Hiya had a mischievous smile on her face,"oh yeah! I'll owl you as soon as I am sorted into SLYTHERIN"

And the family left for kings cross.

Ok so this was so cringe. I sorry if you didn't like the chapter, but I didn't want to change what I had written 2 years ago. The writing will get better, I promise that, but I didn't edit the book earlier because I thought it was a good way to to show the character development of both the book and my writing. Sorry again
P.S. I will try to limit my a/ns, but as I said its my first fanfic, so it might take sometime.

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