How it all began:

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"Surrender! You will not be harmed if you do!" From his UHLS Model 1, Willy, the Commander, shouted upwards at the towering German "tank".

"We won't! We swore to protect our Fatherland until it or we die!" Atop the tank's massive battleship turret stood a German Officer with an eyepatch covering his left eye. Behind him, one of his crewmen stood with an MG42 at the ready.

The crewman took a look at all the Americans, British, and Russians. It seemed that a mixed force of the Allies was here. "Kommandant Faber, we should leave. We'll have to fight our way out anyways."

"Be quiet Hans." Faber turned down to Willy. "WE-!"

"Kommandant, the Wundermotor is malfunctioning!" said a distant voice from within the tank's steel walls.

"WHAT!?" Faber and Hans jumped down from the turret, rushing to the Wundermotor, a large engine that Hitler said would power the German beast forever.

From the Commanding UHLS, Willy had enough time to shout a command of preparation before a blinding light from within the German tank swallowed the entire monstrosity and the Allied Unit.

Girls und Panzer and the WundermotorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ