Part 15: A Chance to Get closer

Start from the beginning

"Hmm.. thanks for today," Gian replied.

"Sure, thanks too."

"Good night." Said Gian as he lifted his hand to say goodbye.

"Good night.. and be careful on your way back," Keira replied as she waved back.

Gian started walking backward, still facing Keira. Keira smiles at him as if laughing at what Gian is doing.

They just can't get enough of seeing each other. Both their hearts thumping upon staring at each other's smile. Their hands both waving goodbye, as if wanting to stretch them out to reach out for the other.

It was a time when they didn't really want to let each other go but they had to. Only hopes of seeing each other again when the sun rises tomorrow.

Keira enters the house and goes straight to her room. She immediately grabs her phone and typed in a message.

Soon after, Gian's phone vibrated, and as he read it, his lips started to lift.
He started typing and sent a message back which Keira immediately received. Keira smiles.

What a lovely feeling it is.


It's been a week and as promised, Keira and Shay are preparing for a hike. 

Keira is in her room, preparing her bag for tomorrow's hike. She grabbed her phone and typed in some words.
A few seconds later, she receives a reply.

"I'll see you tomorrow." It says.

She smiled and continued to pack her bag.

4AM, Keira, and Shay are out at the front door of the resort. Keira kept looking at her watch, her feet kept moving. She just can't help but move around.

Shay notices her and grabs her arm.

"Are you okay?" Shay asks.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah.. I'm good." Keira replied.

"Why are you so uneasy?"

"I'm.. I'm not!" Keira answered.

A few minutes later, a car pulls over and as Keira runs to the car, Gian's face showed up from the driver's seat.

"Good morning!" He greeted.
Keira gave him a big smile and greeted him back.

"Good morning! I thought you were gonna ditch me." She jokingly said as she pulled the door on the front seat.

Shay then opens the back door of the car.

"So, this explains the uneasiness, huh?" Shay teased.

"Were you anxious Gian's not gonna come today?" Shay continued.

"Huh? Me? No.. no!" Keria answered as she stuttered.

Gian, upon hearing the words, smiles. His ears turned red as he listened to the conversation between Keira and Shay. He continued to drive until they arrived their destination.

Upon arriving, Gian helped the two girls in getting their stuff and prepared to hike. There were other hikers who were waiting for them at the meeting place and They had a little orientation before officially starting the hike.

Their group finally started going up the and the sun is almost out. A few kilometers and Keira felt a little tired making it hard for her to climb. Gian, noticed Keira struggling, so he tried to climb ahead of Keira. Upon reaching a steep part, Gian extends his hand to reach Keira and pull her up.

Because of exhaustion, Keira requested to rest a little. She sits on a large rock near her and grabs her to rest her knackered knees. She was just about to reach for her jug when Gian offers her an ice cold water from a hydro flask. Keira stares at the flask as if saying 'You want me to drink from that?' when Gian suddenly said,

"Don't worry. I have a different flask" as he showed her another flask he is holding.

Keira smiled at him.

"Just how thoughtful this guy is" she said to herself, as she grabs the flask from Gian's hand.

After a few minutes of rest, the continued with the hike. After about 1½ hours of walking and climbing, they finally reached the peak.

"Ah!" Keira shouted out of relief.
"Finally, we're here!" She said, as she stretched out her arms.

Looking at the a cloud filled view, the sun rays shining through. She closed her eyes and takes a deep breath to feel the cold and clean air, the wind that passed through her face and the sun that keeps her warm despite the cold breeze.

Foots steps suddenly approached her, but kept a small distance. She can feel the presence of a tall guy standing beside her, not saying a word, just feeling both their presence.

Keira opens her eyes and looks at the direction of the guy standing next to her.

His eyes were closed, lips were smiling. Enjoying the wonders of his senses. She smiles, looking at this wonderful young man: a man she never knew she admires.

He looks at her and their eyes met. He smiles back. In the spur of the moment, their hands locked. He pulls her a little closer, his eyes telling her words only she could understand. They chuckled and looked back at the beautiful scenery before them. It was such a blissful moment that they hoped time stopped.

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