Part 10: A Side Never Seen

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The night is getting deeper but the spirits of Keira's classmates has just started rising. Dozens of bottles and cigarette butts on every table, some of her classmates were already at the dance floor, dancing as if there is no tomorrow.

Keira, who is only staying in their private room, sitting and holding her non-alcohlic drink was silently watching over her friends who are on the dance floor.

Suddenly, Migs came in with a group of friends. He then started introducing them to everyone in the room.

"Hey, guys, these are my friends from home. I want you to meet them."

Migs mentioned their names one by one.

"This is Brian, Jeff, Anthony and Lloyd."

Migs then went to the table where Patrick and their other friends were and started introducing his friends again.

Keira, who was not interested, pulled out her phone and sent a message to her dad.

"Daddy, I might be home a little late."

She waited for a reply, but there was none.

"Maybe dad's asleep already."  She thought.

She looks back at her friends on the dance floor and they still seem sober and enjoying the music. She sees Mia waving at her and asking her to come down and join them.

She smiles and waves her hand, her mouth saying 'later' as she signals her friends to wait on her.

Suddenly a man sits beside her.

"Hey." The guy said.

Keira, who felt awkward but didn't want to be impolite, smiled at the guy.

"You are also one of Migs' classmates?" Asked the guy.

"Yeah." Keira replied coldly.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Anthony." The guy introduced.

"You are?" He added, as he lifted up his hand for a handshake.

Keira, who is now uncomfortable, forced herself to smile and gave her hand.


"Nice name." The guy smirked.


Keira kept her replies short. She didn't want to make the talk any longer. All she wants to do right now is to get out of her seat and leave the conversation.
But the guy just won't stop speaking with her.

"Why are you sitting alone, don't you have company?" The guy asked.

"They're downstairs, dancing."

"Why don't you join them?"

"Well, I don't like noise so I decided to stay here."

Keira replied as she sips into her drink.
The guy noticed that she was drinking plain juice so he offered her a drink.

"Would you mind if I buy you a drink?"

"No, thanks. I don't drink."

"Then what fun would it be to be in a club if you don't go drinking, right?"

Keira, feeling anxious now, looks around to find someone she knows for help. Someone who can get her out of this guy's company.

"Well.. I believe you can have fun without drinking alcohol." She replied coolly as she tries to hide her fear, which is starting to grow.

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