"Thank you", I said with more tears falling down. Freya wipes them away and I chuckle. "Let me hug my babies", I open my arms wide and the kids ran to me. "Careful, she's still healing from the spell", Lexie shouts but I wave her off. Freya and the witches move back to let the three of them to hug me. I place a kiss on each one of their heads.

After the kisses, I could see Lexie and Leah smile while the kids laugh. "I've never seen her this happy", I heard my father said. The twins laid by my side while Emmy laid flat on my chest. "How long does the next effect start?", I question Freya. "I'm not sure. Lexie and the Spellmans helped to make the spell better to reduce the effects. We're hoping the pain you felt when you woke up will be the last", she explains and I nod.

"Anything new that I miss?", I ask everyone. "Well, we got a letter from Carlisle that his friends have arrived in Forks. I think it's time to head back there", James said and I nod. "Lexie, Twins and Spellmans, would you like to come along? We need as much help as we need", I ask them and they look amongst each other while the twins had pleading looks to the adults.

"We can't exactly leave the island alone without one of us here", Lexie made a point but Zelda and Helda told her that they would stay and take care of the island. "Guess we're going then", Lexie states which made the twins jump out and hug their mom. "Okay, okay, come on. Let's get some breakfast before. Do you think you can walk?", Dad asks me.

"I'm fine", I told him as I move Emmy aside. Everyone gave me some space as I shift my legs to the side. I carefully lift myself up and stand properly. Laura took my hands and help me balance myself. I remove my hands away from her and took a step. "Looks like I can walk", I smile to myself at the small accomplishment.

Everyone starts to head out of the room but Leah, the kids and Lexie stayed behind. I drop my facade and groan in pain. "Come on", Lexie took one of my arms and put it over her shoulders. Leah held my waist. Skyler and Asherah stood behind me just in case I fall backwards whilst the young one stayed in front of me.

The two women carefully lead me down the stairs and I thank them. "I just remembered you called me Mama", I turn to the twins and saw the two of the acting embarrassed. "It's okay, I'm glad you accept me as you mother even if I have not been there for you two", the two gave me a small smile and hug me.

"Alright, alright. Come on, you must be hungry. You're a wolf after all", Lexie jokes which made Leah giggle a little. I'm glad they get along with each other. Eventually, the twins let go of me and Emmy got jealous so she hugs me as well. Three kids. I wonder if Leah would want more. I'm not quite sure myself but I am happy that I have these three.

We had breakfast and causal conversations were made. Lots of interesting stories from everyone. I mean, we're all getting to know each other better and we're all family now. "Arin, tell us a time when you felt free before all of us came into your life", Sabrina challenges me and I smiled.

"It was a day on a beach. Before everything, before I met Mia, the Mikaelsons and the pack, I had a best friend. Her name was Rose. She was the first vampire I had ever met after dad and uncle Stefan woke me up from my sleep. I was a doctor and one of my patients was her long lost sister, now as you all know as Joey Cullen. After she was discharged and I had to leave the hospital, the three of us went to an island in the Philippines", I let out a small laugh as I recall that day.

"One day, we decided to have a beach day and Joey found this cave as she was running around. She ran to us and told us about it. We went into the cave and found a lot of crystals in there. A local told us tat the cave was sacred and that many witches in the past used the crystals to bring good fortune and health to the people of the island. We didn't have much that day but the local man gave us three crystals each and told us to keep it safe", I thought back as to where I kept my crystal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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