(1) Tetanus and Tension

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Ellie Kate walked over to Bucky's locker. 

"James don't forget that Cam has an appointment at 2 if you would like come with me. He has to get his 8 month shots."

"Ellie my name is Bucky. You've always called me Bucky. And I said I would be there." He said 

"Well that was before. I didn't know if you had plans to suck face with Morgan." She said and walked off. 

"Watch how you talk to my boyfriend bitch." Morgan said 

Ellie turned around "Why don't you mind your business. I wasn't talking to you." Ellie said as she walked backwards then turned back around. 

Bucky looked down and sighed.

"When is she going to learn that she can't talk to you like that." Morgan said 

"Morgan don't." He said as they went the opposite direction. 

At 1:15 they both were in the main office of the school checking out. As they were walking out towards the student parking lot. 

"Do you want to ride together in your car or my truck?" He said 

"Neither. I'll pick him up and meet you there." She said 

"Elle this is stupid. You are being ridiculous right now. It makes more sense to ride together we are going to the same place." He said 

"You can go back to class if you want." She said as she walked off and went to her car. 

He shook his head as he walked to his truck. He waited for her at the pediatrician's office when she pulled in. He walked over to her car as she began to get their son out. 

"Ellie.. we could of rode together." He said 

"Come on Cam let's go before we are late." She said as she grabbed the diaper bag. 

Bucky rolled his eyes as he followed her inside. After waiting in the waiting room for fifteen minutes they were finally called back. Dr Richardson checked Camden over for any signs of the disease hand foot and mouth. The daycare had a recent out break of it. 

"No signs of the disease. So that's good. How is he doing eating wise?" Dr Richardson said 

"Great. He's loving the baby food." Ellie said 

"That's good. His weight and height is on par with his age. He looks great sounds great too. So nurse Maggie will be in to do his vaccinations. And we will see you back at 1 year." Dr Richardson said 

"Thanks." Ellie said as Bucky stood in the corner. 

Once they were alone he said "see I told you he was fine. You didn't need to bring it up again. Even mom said he was fine." 

"Shut up..I just wanted to be sure. He's a pediatrician for god sakes James." She said 

"Stop calling me James. This has to stop." He said 

Knock knock 

Nurse Maggie came in and did Camden's shots. Once she was done they left the building as they were walking back to the parking lot. 

"Ellie Kate, I'm serious this has to stop the hateful attitude." He said 

"If he gets cranky or feverish give him some Tylenol. Let me know if you need me to pump you more breast milk bags." She said as she walked towards the car. 

"Ellie I know how to take care of him. And I don't need I have enough." He said 

"Great." She said as she got in her car and drove off. 

"Come on Cam let's get you home." Bucky said as he kissed his head.

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