ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

Start from the beginning

Qaelust was hesitant at first. But she still accepted her hand and showed a faint smile.

"Qaelust..." she said taking back her hand.

"So... I don't mean to be rude..." she mumbled and looked at the tombstones. "But I'm really rude so let me just ask!"

"Did you die here? Is your grave here? How did you die?" She asked nonchalantly.

Amara had her eyes wide open and her mouth agape at how straightforward she is.
Why is she even surprise. This girl had the guts to come to her nest even though the place is forbidden and locked away from the other students.

The girl laughed hilariously and soon clutched on her stomach trying to control her laughter.

"You're really strange! You must be really curious about that, aren't you?!" She laughed calming herself down.

Qaelust only looked at the ghost blankly with her arms folded waiting for her to finish probably the first laugh she had this year.

"That's right. I died here..." Amara said finally calming down with a sad smile printing on her pale face.

"The girls from my class bullied me a lot. And one day, they ended up going too far. They pushed me and I hit my head badly." She explained fidgeting on her fingers.

"How long have you been dead?" Qaelust asked with a little sympathy.

"Oh!" Amara looked a little stunned. "I don't know. I never counted it." She said and smiled.

Qaelust nodded her head. Deciding not to ask any more question that might be sensitive for the ghost.

Silver is gonna be pissed...
She said in her mind already picturing what kind of rant will happen to her once she tell her what happened.

But. It won't hurt her if she just doesn't tell her right?
She thought.

"Why did you come here Qaelust?" The ghost suddenly asked. The smile on her face somehow looked fake.

Deceiving. But it seems pretty good to think wrong of it.

"I was bored." She said simply and walked pass her, looking at the tombstones once again.

Amara tailed her wherever she goes. She wouldn't stop blabbering about random things.
She was exactly like Silver. The only difference is that Silver sometimes knows how to stop.

"It's already lunch time. I gotta get back." She said when she happened to check the time on her wrist watch.

"How will you go back? The gates are locked." Amara pouted tilting her head on a side.

Qaelust only smirked in response before she made her way to that same vines she crawled down earlier.

"You're gonna climb that? That's dangerous!" She exclaimed but on the other side, amazed at how brave she is.

"Don't worry! If I die, I'm certain you'll welcome me in this garden of yours!" Qaelust chuckled as she climb the vines effortlessly.

She didn't saw Amara's reaction on her statement. But if only she did, she would have decided that it will be the last time she'll be back in that garden.

She walked casually on the top of the church to the other side while putting her inpods on her ears.

Once she reached the edge, she placed back her phone on her pocket after selecting a song.

She climbed down the same rocks where she climbed up earlier. She didn't notice the eyes that was watching her ever since she set foot on the edge of the roof.

Qaelust jumped down when she was near the ground and walked away as if nothing happened.

She's almost near the canteen when someone screamed her oh-very-awesome-and-beautiful name from the crowd.

She turned around only to be greeted by a very strange hug.

It was Quin. Her sister.
She's been worried about her after she heard that Qaelust ran away from class earlier. She had asked help from all the officers to search for her.
Even some of the deacons and nuns were alarmed at her sudden disappearance.

"Where were you!?" Quin yelled at her, her face doesn't look the same angelic the others always see her like.

"I was so worried about you! You can't just ran out of your class and disappear like that! Do you know how much of a fuss happened while you were gone!?" She continued, throwing her hands in the air.

Some of the students halted to see the Vice President of the student council get mad for the first time ever.

"A-and your friend! Have you even thought of how she felt! Of how I felt! Qaelust! You can't just disappear like that!"

"Sorry." She said simply making the crowd murmur at her sudden response.

Even Quin who was standing in front of her were flabbergasted at her word. Not to mention she felt a little embarassed to be responded like that by her own little sister in front of everyone. After she caused a ruckus in the entire university only worrying about her safety and whereabouts.

"I thought I saw something so I went to check it out... I didn't notice the time..." she said nonchalantly.

"O-okay. A-are you alright?" She asked trying to be compose.


"O-okay. W-well. I-It's time for lunch. Y-you should join me!" Quin offered and forced a smile which is pretty obvious to the one that does it a lot.

Qaelust only nodded her head and followed Quin to the canteen. All eyes are on them until eventually, Silver stormed at Qaelust while crying her eyes out.

She's been acting angry at her for disappearing but eventually stopped when the food was served on their table.

Quin tried to start a conversation with her sister. But the latter seemed to be so eager to finish her lunch as soon as possible.

"Uhm... Q-Qaelust... Perhaps you should slow down..." she said when the girl almost choked on her food.

"Yeah! What's wrong with you? I thought you hate the foods here!" Silver said munching on her drumsticks a little sloppily.

Quin chuckled at Silver's cute habits. She had noticed it since she's been watching them since day one.

"Come on! Don't rush! Quin said we don't have a class after lunch!" She said and drank her apple juice.

But it slipped from her hand given that her fingers are a bit oily because she ate the drumsticks using her hands.

She swore she almost cursed when her drink slipped from her hand but some gorgeous hand caught it and placed it back on the side of her plate.

"Careful..." a familiar charming voice spoke and sat beside Quin, facing Silver.

I'm back DARLINGS!!!
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