Rooftop Atmosphere

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Sugawara x Reader

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Sugawara x Reader


The stress of high school was nothing short of suffocating. Exams, projects, clubs. Where did it end? I guess people like me, the ones with good grades and a solid ethic are lucky, right? That would be far from the truth. The expectations and work skyrocket by that point. I am one of those who has to take care of their little siblings, too. Sometimes, I just think to myself, why live? Everyday there is just more work to do. It's sort of like a cycle. Work, eat, sleep, wash, rinse, repeat. That's the phrase I'd use for my life. I often lose sleep and have no energy, yet I keep working.

Those were the thoughts I was zoning out to while trying to manage the boy's volleyball practice. I love Karasuno, but there is just a point where I dread walking through those doors, taking off my shoes, picking up my hundreds of papers, and heading to class.

As if on cue, a flash of green, white, and red appeared in front of my tired form. Normally, my reflexes would be fast enough to block the ball from slamming into my face, but today wasn't a good day for me. I had stayed up all night studying for finals. Thanks to the lovely life of a high school student, my face was graced with the presence of a volleyball that had been spiked by the ginger haired decoy. The looks on the team's faces when the ball hit the floor would normally be something to laugh at, but I hadn't spared enough energy to do so. I, instead, stood there, expressionless.

"I am so sorry, Y/N," Hinata apologized. I nodded, not saying a word. I was too tired to do so. I picked up the volleyball, handed it back to the decoy, and headed back to my work.

(Suga POV)

My attention was pulled from setting when the sound of a volleyball hitting someone in the face and a quiet squeak made their way into my ear. I turned to look at Y/N standing there with a volleyball at her feet. I found it quite odd. She normally has lightning fast reflexes, faster than anyone I had ever met, and uses that to block the ball. Instead, there it was, laying at her feet. It was almost as if she hadn't reacted at all.

"Suga, get back to work," Daichi called to me. Despite his words I could tell he was worried as well.




After Practice

(Suga POV)

"Is it alright if I head out now? I have errands to run," Y/N said in a quiet tone.

"Sure. Oh Suga!" Daichi called out to me, "Could you tag along with her? Her mom doesn't want her walking alone at night."

"Oh, you don't have to. I can walk by myself," she said, "I wouldn't want to burden you."

"Oh, nonsense. It wouldn't be any trouble. We live right next to each other anyways," I smiled. I wanted to ask her what was going on and I could clearly see Daichi trying to help.

"Oh, okay," she said, in a barely audible tone.

After picking up some groceries, we headed back to her house. One could say you could hear a pen drop. Her eyes were downcast to the sidewalk, the cold, winter breeze left her for slightly shivering since her jacket was left at her house, most likely.

"Hey, Y/N?" I started, gaining her attention. "Are you feeling alright?"


His question caught me off guard.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, curious on why he was asking such a random question. Did I look sickly or something?

"Oh, okay. Just know you can always talk to me," he said as we walked into our houses.




One Week Later


I had finally finished the long, exhausting, and mentally destructive exams for the middle of the semester. Volleyball was canceled for the day so I decided to journey up to the rooftop to get some fresh air. I had no need to arrive home since Daichi had kindly volunteered to watch my little sister for the day.

When I reached the roof, I could feel the difference in atmosphere almost instantly. A wave of pain overtook my body as tears began to trickle down my cheeks. My eyes were glossy as I stepped towards the railing. I was so unhappy with the fact that I could never catch a break. I hadn't had any time to myself in months and now I would only get an hour at most before I'd have to head home. No time to think and no time to live. Just back to the same old routine.

I stood at the railing. My gaze casted towards the ground below me. The fall would surely be fatal as long as I jumped head first. My body moved before I had a chance to think. Before I knew it, I was standing at the very edge. One misstep and I would become a human pancake. That didn't sound nearly as awful as living now. I decided it was time and let go of the railing. My descent down to the ground had begun.

(Suga POV)

I went hunting for Y/N. I had something to ask her to help me with and as much as I felt bad about invading her alone time, it was necessary. I assumed she went up to the rooftop, as she often liked to read her novels in peace and serenity.

I had finally arrived at the rooftop. I was a little exhausted after exams, but was quite happy to find my placement in the top ten. I was impressed how Y/N was able to always score the top spot every time exams rolled around.

I opened the door to the roof. What I saw truly shocked me. I couldn't believe Y/N was standing behind the railing. Before my mind was given an opportunity to think, my body dashed towards her. Her hands did the unthinkable. They let go of the railing. It was as if the world moved in slow motion. My hand reached out as hers went further. By some miracle her wrist was within reach. My hand desperately wrapped itself around it tightly. I made quick work to pull her over the railing and into my chest. Her face buried itself into my chest while I rubbed soothing circles around her upper back. All I felt was relief. Relief that the girl I fell in love with was still breathing in my arms.

Announcement: Hello again! I hope you all enjoyed and know I do take requests. I'll post again soon.

Word count: 1122

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