Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Reiga looked around, seeing the dead trees surrounding him, this forest had an eerie air about it, a chill that not even the scorching sun falling from above could shake. It was an ominous sensation he had experienced before, but it was something he felt deep within his bones, an innate warning, an instinctive desire to run and hide.

It was the same feeling he felt in the first nightmare he had, when the grotesque curse captured him in those great claws. He was dreaming again, but his body felt real and so did his mind. This time he was in a dead forest, alone.

'I should run away...' Reiga thought to himself, his eyes moving towards the sky to see if there was anything there that would respond to him. Nothing happened, so he looked around and decided to start walking, his bare feet making quiet thuds against the dirt path.

He stayed in the center of the path, avoiding the large roots protruding from the sides. His feet carried him faster and faster until he was jogging and then running. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he didn't want to be in this forest for long.

His sprint came to an end when the path suddenly came to a cliff. Reiga stood on the edge, his eyes fixed on the abyss in front of him. It was pitch black and he couldn't see how far it descended. The sight of it made his heart sink, and a deep fear started to take hold of him.

"I have to go back..." Reiga muttered to himself. His body had begun to move, but a strange sensation began to take over him. A feeling of despair, a sense of loss and defeat, a hopelessness that threatened to destroy any sanity he had left.

" this feeling...?" Reiga asked, his body slowly moving towards the cliff, towards the darkness that lay beyond him.

"Is this...the end?" Reiga asked himself, his body moving closer to the cliff until he could see nothing but darkness.

He stood there, the feeling of dread and fear gripping him stronger than before. He felt like he was losing control, like his mind was being invaded. He felt like something was trying to control him, to force him to do something he didn't want to do.

He felt like he was losing his mind.

Suddenly, something wrap around his neck and lift him into the air. He tried to fight but whatever had grabbed him was too strong. His body was being crushed as he was lifted higher into the air. He tried to look around for help, but all he could see was the darkness of the abyss beneath him. He was too high up and no one could help him.

He was alone, and he was going to die.

"Help me! Please help me! I don't want to die!" Reiga screamed in despair. He fought with all his might, but it was no use. What was holding him only squeezed him tighter, choking the life out of him.

" me...I don'" Reiga's voice trailed off as his eyes began to close.

"You dare to try to kill my body while I'm trying to recover, how bold of you." Enkaku's voice was heard from all directions.

The curse released Reiga, causing him to fall into the darkness below. But before the darkness consumed him, Enkaku caught the boy in his arms

"Forgive me, Reiga. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be trapped in a nightmare this curse created."

Reiga's eyes opened, but instead of seeing the dark abyss around him, he saw a garden of red spider lilies. The sun was shining and a gentle breeze was blowing in the air. The place was beautiful and peaceful, a stark contrast to the nightmare he had just escaped.

He sat up and looked around, confused as to where he was. He saw a stone bench in front of him with someone sitting on it. It was a man dressed in a black robe that covered most of his body. His face was extremely handsome like a sharp sword.

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