Arising Suspicions

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The shikigami took the form of a cat and sat on Enkaku's lap. "Master, did you think of a name to give me?"

"Are you sure you want me to pick a name?" Enkaku wanted to make sure that the shikigami really wanted him to choose a name, rather than choosing himself a name he really liked.

The shikigami nodded, "I will accept the name the master chose for me."

"If that is the case, then your name would be Enkai." 

"I like it, thank you, master." A name similar to his master's couldn't make Enkai happier.

Enkaku stroked the cat's fur, while his gaze focused on the water, watching Satoru play together with Menma and Suguru. He was never the type to have fun, for him those activities are fruitless. Because Enkaku grew up in an environment where he struggled to stay alive, he never experienced the feelings that having fun brought to his mind. And when he became a curse, some of his emotions dulled, changing considerably from when he was human.

Enkai noticed that his master was still looking at the water, wondering if he wanted to play with the others. "Do you want to go with them?"

Enkaku shook his head. "I'm just a boring old man, what could I do joining a group of teenagers?"

"So, is something troubling you?" 

Probably in a few more years, the white lily will take the form of a human." It was okay for Enkaku to tell that information to Enkai, since he is trustworthy.

"That means you should spend more time with Gojo Satoru, quickly, go to his side." Enkai moved away from Enkaku's lap. "If master doesn't give the white lily some of his cursed energy, then Satoru would start to feel sluggish and tired."

"I'm surprised you know all this, who told you?" Enkaku stared at the cat with a frown.

"The red lilies told me, so don't look at me with those eyes, master." The cat ran away from Enkaku, feeling intimidated.

Saying nothing to stop the running cat, Enkaku simply stared at the furball that was moving away from his line of sight. Probably in this situation chasing him was the right option, however, the sinner was not in the mood to chase a cat all over the beach. He also didn't want to say that he regretted giving him that intimidating look a few seconds ago, because as the years passed, bits and pieces of Enkaku's feelings began to disappear with the passage of time.

"This is not good, it is not good at all."
Enkaku murmured, feeling a wave of darkness linger close enough to drown him. "I can't become empty, not until I'm done with this battle."

If he continued to sit here alone, his mind would only continue to focus on useless thoughts, so Enkaku decided to join Satoru and the others. Perhaps a distraction can help him forget about the dark clouds hanging over him. With hesitation in his steps, Enkaku walked towards the water, hoping to find peace of mind in being close to Satoru. It always worked, as being next to his beloved always brought him a sense of calm, one that warmed his cold heart.
But for a while, Enkaku couldn't help but feel afraid. He feared that one day all his feelings and emotions would vanish into thin air, turning into an evil curse that would only mercilessly kill everything that stood in his way. So to hide the emotions in his golden eyes, he decided to put on the sunglasses that were hanging from his shirt. He then entered the water, feeling refreshed, as the days are quite hot.

Enkaku did not call out to Satoru, he just remained silent, watching his lover from a distance, noticing the huge smile plastered on his handsome face, wondering if he had seen him smile like that in the past.

"Wouldn't you be happier if I weren't by your side?" Enkaku couldn't help but reflect. 

There it was again, those negative emotions that always flood his mind and plunged him into a puddle of rotting flesh. Why does his mind always become so negative when he is left completely alone? He was familiar with the feeling of loneliness by now? After all, he had already lived so many years alone, without having anyone by his side.

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