Small Break

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Enkaku found himself lying in the red water within his inner domain, as red spider lilies bloomed around him. It seems that the flowers are worried about their master, and wanted to express it.

"Master," the flowers called out at the same time, their childish voice riddled with worry.

"Speak only one at a time, there is no need to be so worried." Enkaku caressed the flowers with his fingertips

Listening to their master, the red lilies spoke one at a time. "The black spider lily has returned to the original body, thanks to Gojo Satoru's blood, we managed to prevent him from entering Reiga's body again."

Another flower continued. "Master doesn't need to worry about losing his mind again."

A slight smile appeared on Enkaku's lips. "I am grateful to all of you, please continue to be by my side."

The sinner grabbed one of the flowers, brought it to his lips, giving it a small kiss.

The other red flowers began to make a fuss, wanting to be kissed by their master as well. However, Enkaku only chuckled at the red lilies' behavior.

In all the years of loneliness, the red flowers were always by his side, keeping him company even on the darkest nights.

"I'll go back now, be sure to track down the few spiders I left inside Renka's body. I'm worried about his well-being, so it's best if he stays close to me."

"Don't worry master, we will find him soon." The proudest flower, answered.

Another of the red lilies wanted to give important news to Enkaku, however, the sound of footsteps stepping on the water caught his attention. There he was again, the man who gave Enkaku the red umbrella.

"I'm surprised that your soul still remains within my inner domain, have you finally made up your mind?" Enkaku's golden gaze focused on the true owner of the red umbrella.

"I should have done it years ago, but I was just a coward." The man lamented.

"There is still time to apologize, after all, it was all Reimeki's fault." Enkaku slowly walked towards the poor lost soul.

"Are you willing to find my body this time?" The man extended his hand forward, wanting Enkaku to take the red umbrella he was holding.

"In the past I couldn't find your body, but now I have an idea where it might be." Enkaku grabbed the umbrella along with the man's hand. "Once you get your body back, you must go to his side and explain everything to him."

The man smiled. "I promise."

The moment Enkaku took the umbrella, he woke up and his consciousness returned to reality.

He was lying on a bed and Satoru's face was very close to his. The young man's hand touched Enkaku's face, as if he was trying to feel his lips. Without thinking much about it, the sinner stroked Satoru's white hair.

"You finally woke up." Satoru wore his black glasses on top of his head, so that Enkaku could see those beautiful eyes clearly.

"Did I sleep for a long time?" Enkaku got up in a sitting position.

"Two days and half." Satoru got out of bed.

Enkaku didn't expect to have slept for so long, but he didn't show the surprise on his face. The sinner was going to get up too, but he limited himself to sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry." Enkaku said feeling gloomy.

"I don't need a apology." Satoru wasn't angry nor did he want Enkaku to apologize to him.

I tried to kill you, aren't you mad at me?" Enkaku was going to look behind him, but hesitated.

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