Die For Me

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With the intention of getting the white lily's attention, Enkaku risked his life, getting too close to Satoru. Without thinking on defending himself, the sinner planned to let Satoru's technique hit him directly. However, the flower sensed that his master was in danger, so once again the white spider lily activated its own technique.

Satoru's body froze, he couldn't move a single muscle, it was as if someone had frozen his body solid. And it wasn't just that, the bearer of the six eyes noticed that his infinity was nullified. An inevitable thought crossed his mind, one that was so nostalgic, and at the same time filled his entire body with immense fear. There was a part of him that still remembers the battle that happened many years ago, that battle that took his last breath.

This was the perfect opportunity for Enkaku, so he doesn't plan on wasting it. Quickly, he invaded Satoru's personal space, getting too close for anyone's liking. He grabbed the young man's black glasses and took them off. Enkaku thought that perhaps he could undo Yuko's technique by making Satoru remember the feeling of sharing a kiss with the one he loved, but then, a sudden darkness clouded his mind.

The sinner felt that deep darkness take hold of his sanity, embracing it until every part of him was tainted with black. It happened again, and as before, Enkaku will end up hurting those he hold dear.

But why did it happen again? The black spider lilies are currently guarding the main body, could it be that my time is finally coming to an end? After all, they sold my soul and body to the unknown to gain power.

Not being aware of his next move, Enkaku kicked Satoru in the side of the stomach. Everyone could tell that such an attack was intended to break Satoru's ribs, as a loud breaking noise filled the air. And at the same time, the wielder of the six eyes spat out a mouthful of blood.

Enkaku clutched his head and started laughing like madman. "I want you dead, please, die for me."

Satoru's eyes widened as they trembled, feeling an inexplicable fear that left his body completely immobile. All he could do was stare at the man approaching him, sword in hand, a wicked smile adorning his now twisted face.

In the distance, the shikigami noticed that something was wrong with his master, so he decided not to waste any more time with Yuko and ran towards Enkaku. On the other hand, even if Suguru sensed that something wasn't right in his teammates' battle, he couldn't leave Menma alone and bring the boy with him might be dangerous.

Even if the white butterfly runs at full speed, there's no way he can reach Satoru in time, so he opted to use his cursed gun. There was no need to prepare a bullet, as long as the trigger was pulled, it could automatically generate a translucent aqua-blue shot. Every time the trigger was pulled, it consumed a small amount of cursed energy. However, if one fires continuously, hundreds of bullets would come out and the consumption was not what an ordinary person can bear.

This time the shikigami just wanted to attract the attention of the black lily, so he just fired one bullet. The attack hit the black flower sword, causing it to fall to the ground. This was enough to make him stop paying all his attention to Satoru, now his gaze was focused on the white butterfly.

"You always get in my way, why didn't I kill you years ago?" The black lily lamented the little appreciation he had for the white butterfly.

Yuko who saw everything from a distance, noticed that her technique was no longer activated, it seems that Satoru's consciousness returned back to him. However, in this situation she no longer wanted the money, now Yuko feared for her life. So without anyone noticing, she left that place without looking back or slowing down.

"Don't let the same tragedy happen again, master, you must return." Slowly, the white butterfly approached the black lily.

He wanted to create an opportunity to let Satoru escape, along with Suguru and Menma. It was fine if he was the only one left behind, not even caring if his life might be in danger, because this time the shikigami wanted to get his master back from the control of the black lily.

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