You have one too? Gold Nugget x RobloxPlayer!Reader

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Requested by Puffballisbestobject

Plot: (Y/N) finds out the Gold Nugget has a Roblox account, and they play Roblox together.

Gold Nugget's POV

I was buying some gucci accessories for my Roblox character. I looked so hot and rich.

I just LOVE looking so rich! It sounds really dumb, but I do have a reason!

I want to...impress (Y/N)...

I don't know if they like me for who I am, so I try to look the part in order to get their attention, but maybe I should come clean and say I like them.

Also, I don't want them to know I have a Roblox account, because they might think lower of me. I know they play Roblox, but I have set a standard for myself. I can't let them see me like this!

But...I want them to love the real me...

Your POV

I just finished playing Roblox. It's my favorite game! I play it everyday for at least an hour!

I only stopped so I could visit my crush, Gold Nugget.

She is just so...confident in herself. I know she takes a bunch of pride in how rich she is, but I think that there is more to Gold Nugget than what she lets on.

Since everyone lived in an apartment together, I could easily visit Gold Nugget. She lived on room away from me. My neighbors were Sock and Bouncy Ball.

Anyways, I left my room, and approached Gold Nugget's door.

I knocked.

No response.

I knocked again.

No response.

I felt so impatient that I immediately opened the door, and saw Gold Nugget on her computer.

I took a closer look, and saw she was playing Roblox.

Gold Nugget turned in my direction, gasped, and turned off her computer. "(Y/N)! I-It's not what it looks like!"

She seemed nervous, but I was star-struck. "You have a Roblox account? You have one too?"

She laughed, "Uh, yeah! Do you...want to play Roblox with me?"

I gave her a hug. "Of course!"

We played Roblox all day long, and then died when Glowstick Fortnite danced in front of us.

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