13| Is He Too Far Gone?

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Third POV:

It didn't work. Nyssa had trusted that Barry's old friends could reach him, now that his two sides were fighting. It had almost gotten there, though. Oliver had contacted her, so now she was standing at the entrance of the Star Labs Warehouse, fiddling with her fingers. It was odd for Nyssa to be fidgeting; she was usually so calm.

She rolled her head back and then put up a fist, pounding on the door. The doors slid open, and standing in front of Nyssa was a lot of heroes and family.

Oliver stepped forward, his face looking sullen. "Thank you for coming, Nyssa."

Nyssa nodded, stepping inside. "Well, I want Barry back to normal as much as any of you," She said, her eyes softening.

They walked over to the table they had set up. "Nyssa, good to see you," Iris said, looking at the assassin.

"You, too, Iris," Nyssa replied, her eyes sparkling.

Iris explained the plan to Nyssa. They planned on using another warehouse but were going to prevent Barry from escaping. They were going for the same thing as last time, only Iris would be the final push.

When Iris finished explaining, Nyssa nodded. "That's the best plan I've heard, and so far, it's one of the only ones we got," she said, her lips pulling into a small smile.

Iris thanked her, and they kept going over the plan, and who to use for memories. They decided on Cisco, Kara, Caitlin, Oliver, and, of course, Iris.

They were talking loudly and joking around now, and then loud BEEP silenced the room.

Felicity looked at it, her face falling before she turned to the team. "It's Barry," she said calmly, not looking that happy. "He's gone on a mission. The alarms are ringing at the bank in second."

Oliver, Cisco, Kara, Caitlin, Kate, and the Legends suited up.

Cisco opened a breach, and then they were gone.

Nyssa looked over at Iris, who was looking distraught. "Iris, is something wrong?"

Iris shook her head. "No, it's just hard to sit through this again and again, you know? I want my happy ending."

Nyssa nodded, motioning Felicity over. "I agree, Iris. You two deserve a happy ending more than anyone we know, and Felicity is married to the Arrow!" Nyssa said as Felicity sat down next to Iris.

"Yeah, you'll get to your happy ending, even if it's not the way you expect," Felicity promised.

Iris smiled, hugging Felicity, as well as wiping the tears from her face. "Thank you. Now, let's go set up the final battle."

The three women walked off to work through the plan, and begin to set it up.

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Barry's (El Bariq) POV:

My blades flipped throughout the room, screams were high-pitched and bouncing all over the bank, lightning danced throughout my body, surging through me, giving me strength. I felt strong, moreover, I felt powerful. No confusion, no holding back. This was me. And it felt right, my strikes had gone without a hitch lately, not one of the heroes had shown up to stop me, or if they did, my strike was over, and people were injured already.

Everything Comes With A PriceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora