Stella & The Termination

Start from the beginning

I smirk as he gazes down at me, "Only if we can get dessert after."

He chuckles, "Anything you want." Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he brings his lips to mine, kissing me softly as he held my waist securely.

His kisses were something I could definitely get used to.

"How was work?" He asks once he pulls away.

I sigh as I look away, "I was given my termination papers today."

His face drops and his jaw clenched as he lets go of me. "This is my fault. I might've pushed your father to the edge."

I quirk my brow, "What?"

He sighs, "I know you told me to leave it alone but I couldn't. He was saying all these things, really starting to piss me off-"

I chuckle lightly as I cradle the side of his face in my hand, stopping him from his rambling. "It's okay, it's not your fault."

"But it is."

I shake my head, "My father was going to fire me regardless. Thank you for trying to fight for me."

He places his hand on top of mine as it lay on his cheek, "Always." I smile at him as we pull away as he gazes at me with adoration. I remove my hand before grabbing my phone off of the counter, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Maybe I can assist?" He flirts with a smirk.

I chuckle as I begin heading in the direction of my bedroom, "Hold on to that offer for next time. I'll be out in a few."

I shut the door behind me as I enter the bedroom. I begin undoing my top and loosening my hair. I start the shower before strolling out of my remaining clothes and stepping in.

I was officially unemployed.

The realization dawned on me as the hot water ran down my body. I would never be able to understand my father. He never once indicated that he didn't want me to work until he started searching for potential husbands for me. He's let me work for the company for the past seven years and now I've been terminated.

I hate the fact that I've worked so hard, all these years and it's come down to this. I've never received any acknowledgment for my hard work, not even a simple thank you for anything I've done. I've even gone along to getting engaged to Julius just to make him happy. I didn't run away, I could've but I never did. He didn't appreciate anything, ever.

I hadn't realized the tears that had fallen from my eyes until I felt a sob in my chest. I decided to let it out, finally expressing the hurt I had felt for so long. I lay my head against the shower wall as I cried. I don't know how long I cried, but it ended with me quickly washing my body and getting out of the shower.

I dry off my body and moisturize my skin before throwing on my robe. I sat down in front of my vanity mirror, staring at the puffy-eyed woman in front of me.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my self-evaluation. I get up and open it, coming face to face with Julius. He sighs when he sees me, before pulling me into his tight embrace.

I was a bit surprised but accepted it regardless and relaxed. He strokes my hair softly as he hugs me, "I heard you crying." I don't respond as a tear falls from my eye again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head as I remove myself from his embrace. "There's nothing to say." I turn away from him before walking back toward the vanity, "Thank you for the hug. I'm fine now."

He doesn't leave, staying in the same spot I left him as I rummaged through my drawers. "You can go now." I repeat.

He shakes his head, "You know you can talk to me right?"

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