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Kaycee's POV 

2 days later 

After my shift was over I picked up two small tubs of ben and jerry's the half backed flavor obviously and made my way to Bailey's room. I knocked on the door and walked in a smile appear on her face immediately

" oh my god yes" she smiled as I handed her a spoon 

" how are you feeling?" 

" not that bad actually" 

" so uh i'm Ashton's girlfriend now" I mumbled waiting for her reaction 

" what!" 

" finally! how did he ask?" she yelled 

" Restaurant then we took a walk and just watched a movie back home" 

" oh my god that's so sweet I better be a braids maid" she pointed at me 

" okay, okay" 

" what do you want to watch?" I said grabbed the remote 

" friends?" 

" you got it" I said turning on the show 

We sang along to the theme song and sat our ice cream as we watched. The sun had already set and darkness filled the room. 

" Kaycee?" 

" yeah what's up" 

" do you think I can go home one day" I paused and turned to meet her. My heart broke at her question I knew I couldn't tell her an answer legally but I responded anyway 

" heck yeah we'll be hanging out outside of here in no time" I smiled 

She fell asleep not to long after that I cleaned up our mess and tucked her in before promising to see her tomorrow. As I turned to leave Ashton stood in the doorway silently scaring the crap out of me. I jumped and held my hand over my chest 

" holy shit" I breathed out 

" would it kill you to just like make a noise you gave me a god damn heart attack" I laughed 

" not as fun plus I wouldn't have gotten this video" he said holding up his phone 

My jaw dropped he was evil I reached out trying to grab the phone he held it up as I jumped to try and meet his height. He started to run through the hallway out to the parking lot as I followed chasing after him as we laughed. We made it to the car out of breathe as the guys stood near us confused at our state. 

" god I need to workout" I said hyperventilating 

" same" Ashton said bending down 

We both sat on the ground next to the car as the boys watched 

" can we get food I haven't gone food shopping unless you want to go group target run" I asked them 

" nope we are not getting in the target trap with you" Luke said shaking his head 

" meet you guys at Chick fil A" Micheal said getting in the car 

" I guess that answers that" Calum laughed 

Ash got up then offered his hand to me and helped me up. I took it and hopped into the passenger seat as we headed to the restaurant. The place was quite crowded so we parked in the lot further from the restaurant. When we walked through the door the smell of fries immediately hit me making me realize how hungry I actually was. 

" this is what heaven looks like" Luke commented as I laughed 

" if it isn't i'm gonna be disappointed" Calum stated 

" agreed" I said 

We all looked at the menu as we waited on line. I reached in my bag going to grab my phone but I realized I left it in the car 

" shoot, I left my phone in the car order for me please?" I asked 

" yeah sure" Micheal answered 

Ash handed me to keys and I walked away from them towards my jeep. The night sky was clear and the air was colder than usual but still beautiful as always. I had always liked the night more than the day it was always so peaceful to me. I heard light footsteps behind me this part of the parking lot was quite quieter  which worried me. I could feel my heartbeat increase as the steps sounded closer just hoping they would stop. I reached the car and rushed to unlock to door so I could lock myself inside but my panic only made my hands shake. Before I knew it my body was being slammed into the car and I was met with a man in a hoodie he smelled of old cigarettes.

" what's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" 

" I have a boyfriend" I lied fighting his grip. I fumbled with the keychain in my hand as he held me. His hands went towards my face I kicked him in reaction. 

" stop! help!" I yelled He slammed my head into the car making me drop my keys. I got punched in the ribs as I fell to the ground. I reached for the keychain on the ground grabbing my only chance of coming out of this the taser I had bought a while ago. 

" go to hell" i said before tazing him 

he fell to the ground giving me a chance to run away towards to restaurant. I ran through the door my body shaking in fear, my adrenaline was pumping I could feel my heart beat through my chest. I scanned through the place looking for the guys as they ran up to me 

" kay?! why are you bleeding? what's wrong?" Ash said his hands on my arms 

I collapsed into his arms hysterical crying as the others panicked trying to figure out what happened. 

" i-i- was walking to the car and-and this guy followed me he hit me I was able to taze him and run away" i choked on my words 

" holy shit kaycee" luke rubbing my back 

" you have quite the cut on your forehead" Ash said sitting me down 

" im okay just shaken up" I said composing myself 

" kaycee your not okay you just got assaulted" Calum stated 

He brought me into a hug calming me down a little 

" can you get the car she's gonna need stitches" Ash whispered to Luke 

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