Stella & The Gelato

Start from the beginning

The shop was cute, very simple yet rustic rooking for an ice cream shop. There weren't many people in line, most of them already served and eating at the little tables outside the shop.

"You can choose as many flavors as you want." Julius says as he looks down at the flavors in front of us. I look down, observing my options. There was an assortment of unlabeled flavors and various desserts like macaroons and crepes.

I point to the one that looks most interesting, "What kind of chocolate is that?" I ask the man behind the counter.

The small man smiles widely, "Tiramisu. Our basic chocolate is over here. And our chocolate hazelnut is over here. We also have Stracciatella which is cream and chocolate sauce." He says as he points out all the flavors.

I nod, "Okay I'll just get chocolate and the stracciatella."

"I'll get caramel and cream. Classic cones for both of us. And also a small box of variety macarons." Julius tells the man.

The man behind the counter nods, "Coming right up!"

We move to the side as the man scoops up the gelato, placing both flavors into one cone decoratively into the shape of a rose. I smile as he hands me the beautiful creation. "Thank you." I tell him as Julius pays for the treats.

He chuckles, "Hope you two have a wonderful day today."

I slide a tip into the tip jar, "You as well."

"Thank you Philippe." Julius says as we head toward the exit.

"Come again!"

Julius and I head outside and begin walking down the street.

"It's so pretty." I say as I admire the treat in front of me.

"Aren't you going to taste it?" He asks as he begins to eat his.

"It won't be pretty anymore."

He chuckles, "It'll melt if you don't, it's 85 degrees out here."

I frown knowing he's right. I lick one of the petals of my flower-shaped treat, causing my eyes to light up. "That's really good. What kind of ice cream is this?"

He shakes his head, "Gelato Stella, it's gelato. I'm surprised you've never had it. My grandparents used to bring me here."

I eat some more of the gelato as we walk down the sidewalk. "I've never been to Boston."

"This isn't only in Boston. It's an Italian treat but you can find it almost anywhere in the U.S. Even grocery stores now. But the best comes from the shops."

I nod, "Then I guess I'll have to find a shop in New York."

"Maybe I can take you." He says with that gorgeous smile of his.

I blush slightly, "Maybe." I look up at where we were, wondering why we're walking for so long when the car was right by the shop. I notice we had arrived at a small park. Julius leads me toward a bench, allowing me to rest my aching feet and enjoy my gelato.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was happy to get attention from Julius again. The past few weeks in New York he had been quite distant and we were barely talking. This felt nice.

"How's your ice- I mean gelato?" I ask him.

"Delicious. Want to try?" He offers, pointing the ice cream cone towards me.

I shrug before leaning forward, getting a taste of his gelato. He watched carefully as I backed away from the cone. I nod my head in approval, "What flavor is that?" I ask.

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