Chapter 26: The Maze

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Tw // character death

Time seemed to suddenly pass much more quickly. Because I had found a way of battling my nightmares, I no longer felt tired 24/7 and the days didn't seem to drag out endlessly anymore. The end of year exams flew by in a haze, but I think I did rather well. I could answer every question about Goblin rebellions for History of Magic, knew every ingredient in Skele-Gro for Potions, and could perfectly show off my summoning abilities in Charms. I did nearly get burned by one of the Blast-Ended Skrewts during the Care of Magical Creatures exam but I was able to duck right on time, which Hagrid seemed quite impressed with.

Focussing on my very last exam, Transfigurations, was difficult though as it took place on the same day as the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Everyone seemed to hand in their tests exceptionally fast, probably because they all wanted to head to the venue as quickly as possible to claim the best seats. As did I. Still, I made sure to proofread my answers three times. I wasn't about to miss out on a perfect score for a better view. When every student of my House had finally finished, McGonagall allowed us all to leave.

A vibrant, exciting energy roamed through the venue. Students were laughing and chanting the name of their favourite champion, and a band of drums and trumpets could be heard playing upbeat music. Naturally, the Gryffindors had already taken up all the best spots. Luckily, there were still a couple of good ones next to Dean, who was sitting on the highest row. I was hoping to get a look into the maze from up there, but sadly the branches were too tall and a thick fog covered the maze, prohibiting us from seeing anything other than leaves. Luna sat next to me, beside her sat Cho, and Padma sat next to Parvati a row below us.

Cho looked nervous, but I knew what she was dreading, and it wasn't the task. She was planning on asking Cedric to be her boyfriend when the task was over.

               "Ready for later, Cho?" I asked, leaning over Luna to make eye-contact with the girl.

               Cho gulped. "I think I am," she answered, though I didn't know if she truly meant that.

               "Have you figured out what you will say to him?" Luna asked her.

               Cho smiled, "Yes. I'll say something like, 'I knew you would win. Now I can say I'm dating the winner of the Triwizard Tournament!' and he'll say something like, 'What? Dating?' and I will say 'Yes! Do you want to be my boyfriend?' or something like that..."

               Parvati added, "That's so adorable, Cho!"

               "Though Harry has a big chance of winning as well," her sister Padma argued.

               Cho knew the odds of Harry winning were very high. He had done well in the previous tasks, despite his age, and after all, he was the Chosen One. "Then I'll just say he gets a girlfriend as a consolation prize," she said.

I noticed Dean staring at someone in the distance. When I followed his gaze, I saw Seamus arriving at the venue and trying to find a seat.

               "Hey, Seamus! Take my spot!" I yelled at the short boy. He had written the word "POTTER" in big, red capital letters on his forehead.

Seamus looked around, trying to find the source of my voice. When he finally found us, he walked up the steps and squeezed his body in between mine and Dean's.

               "Bit cosy, isn't it?" Seamus laughed.

It was. Maybe even a bit uncomfortably cosy. Though I didn't think Dean would mind that at all.

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