Chapter 32: I Hear a Symphony

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This chapter was inspired by the song "I Hear a Symphony" by Cody Fry.

tw // blood


I used to hear a simple song

That was until you came along



A flash of white light blinded my vision and I felt myself being pushed backwards with immense force. My body slammed against the stone wall of the party hall and then slid to the floor, landing with a heavy thud. I tried to stand up again, but my blurred vision was making it hard to regain my balance. I tried to reach for my wand to cast a protective shield, but my pockets were empty. I didn't have time to look for it though because before I knew it, Padma was already casting another spell.

I ran and hid behind one of the tables while fiery orange sparks missed me by only a single strand of hair and hit the wall behind me instead. Luckily, Padma's ability to cast a Blasting Curse was minimal and she only created a small crack in a few stones.

Padma was good but I knew her look of confidence was her only survival skill. She was smart, but mostly book smart. Meanwhile, I had been teaching myself defence and attack spells ever since I was a kid.

People had now started to circle around us in order to get a glimpse of the drama.

"Dani!" A voice yelled from behind me.

I quickly looked at the source of the voice and saw Dean Thomas frantically waving his arms, in his hands was my wand. He threw the piece of wood in my direction and I managed to catch it just at its tip. I held on tightly and instantly, I yelled, "Protego!" and a protective shield surrounded my body.

The effects of the charm were only temporary, so I had to think fast. Padma wasn't just considering this as an innocent duel. She wanted to hurt me. Luckily, I had spent years researching offensive and defensive magic and knew a spell or two that could help me out.

The minute the shield disintegrated, I shot upwards and aimed my wand to the floor, screaming, "Deprimo!" A green flash hit the ground underneath Padma and cracked the floor. One of her legs slipped into the crack, causing her to get stuck.

Padma clenched her jaw and looked at me with darkened eyes. I was shocked by her look of pure anger. I had only ever seen her as a passionate but kind girl. She would talk to me during classes, and we would discuss our homework. Never would I have thought we would be standing across from each other like this, with our wands aimed at each other's faces.

Padma hauled her leg out of the hole in the floor. I was just fast enough to pull out my wand to block her from shooting another Knockback Jinx in my direction.

"Expelliarmus!", I screamed, blowing away the flash of white light. The clash between the two spells was so intense, we both flew back. I dropped to the ground and Padma smacked against one of the tables. Drinks and sweets flew in every direction and onto the bystanders.

She picked herself back up from the floor and put her wand in her pocket. With her hands in the air and a smile on her face, she walked towards me until she was standing right in front of me. I lowered my wand but still held onto it just in case she would suddenly try a surprise attack, but I was surprised as she held out her hand and waited for me to take it.

Was she satisfied? Could we finally make up and just end this already? I didn't know how many glasses she had confiscated from the students, but she sure seemed out of her mind. Could I really trust her?

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