Chapter 16: Eternal Glory

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A tip: don't stand in the middle of a large group of students when you're 5'1" and have no physical strength because you consider yourself brainy over sporty. It will save you a lot of headache.

My surroundings finally stopped spinning around me, and I managed to stay grounded without falling over again. But I was still slightly dizzy from being pushed around by all the thrilled students trying to catch a glimpse of the new schools' arrivals. What in the Heavens was that?!

Earlier today, everyone had assembled on the School Grounds to welcome the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, two wizarding schools from Europe that were joining Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. Beauxbatons, a wizarding school in France, had arrived in what seemed like Santa Claus' sleigh, only the reindeer were flying horses the size of elephants and the carriage that of a house. It was impressive, to say the least, and I was even more enchanted when I saw how stunning each and every one of the school's students looked. Their uniforms were made of light blue fine silk, elegantly draping down their bodies. Although beautiful, the outfits were far too cold for this weather. Winter arrived early this year and Hogwarts was now covered in a thick white layer of snow. So, they all didn't stay outside for long and left to the entrance hall almost immediately to warm up before their entrance. The Bulgarian wizarding school, Durmstrang, however, came prepared. The school had arrived in a large submarine ship, rising from under the water of the Great Lake. The students wore heavy fur cloaks with matching fur hats and blood-red robes, protecting them from the chills of the roaring, icy winds. We all watched as each of the school's students stepped out of the ship one by one.

The last thing I heard before being trampled on by my fellow classmates was Fred Weasley shouting,

               "Krum! That's Viktor Krum!"

So, there I was, sitting in the lively and loud Great Hall, clutching my fingers to my temples in an attempt to soothe my headache, but to no avail. Not a single student could contain their excitement for the schools' official entrances, resulting in loud chattering echoing around the hall.

               Padma was sitting next to me, holding up an ice pack that she had been given by Madam Pomphrey to the back of my head, "You poor thing. Those Weasley boys should have thought twice before sending the whole school into raptures."

               "It's fine," I said, taking the ice pack out of her hands, "I got it."

She wanted to object and insist on continuing to help me out, but the room turned quiet when Dumbledore stood up from out of his seat. Despite everyone's visible anticipation, the old professor took his time walking up to his stand in front of the teacher's table. Next to him stood a large golden statue embellished with bright colourful gems. Dumbledore's voice thundered through the Great Hall, you'd have thought he was holding his wand to his throat, but he just had that effect on everyone.

               "Good evening, my dear students. Thank you for all gathering together to celebrate the beginning of the Triwizard Tournament. This competition brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear! If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted."

I had been reading up on the history of the Triwizard Tournament in "Hogwarts: A History". Apparently, a Cockatrice, a two-legged dragon with a rooster's head, had badly injured the heads of the three competing houses when the creature broke free. It eventually led to the cancellation of the event in 1972, until, well, now. However, everyone was aware of the dangers the different tasks held. Though, it was safe to assume they weren't going to make students fight dragons again. Surely, the schools had learned their lesson.

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