Chapter 2: Shadows

Start from the beginning

Somehow, he was scared to see him now, until he heard music from the kitchen and Woo Bin rapping along some lines.
His worries faded and he jumped up, with a wide smile on his face.
His back hurt a bit from sleeping on the couch, but that was just a minor issue.
Yi Jeong was sneaking up, to peek through the door first. Woo Bin was just the cutest when he thought no one would watch him.

„Sometimes I wonder if you really picked the right career.." Yi Jeong exposed himself eventually and Woo Bin turned around to greet him with a bright smile.
Seeing his happy face made Yi Jeong's heart beat faster.
He had no idea how it was possible to never get tired of a single person, but it was, with Song Woo Bin.
He was never pushy or demanding, always sweet and supportive when it mattered.. Sure, they had fights and arguments, but never too bad.
Yi Jeong was sure that love was only possible if you could get mad at someone, because without love you wouldn't care enough.

Today wasn't a day to be mad at Woo Bin, though.

He walked up to him, wrapped his arms around his neck and replied to the smile with a passionate kiss.

„Wow.." Woo Bin laughed and hugged him lightly. „But you haven't even seen yet, what I'm doing!"

Yi Jeong looked over his shoulder curiously. „Naengmyeon? My favorite? Is it my birthday or something?" he asked happily, but Woo Bin shook his head and stole another kiss before he turned around and kept preparing the cold noodles.

Yi Jeong huffed and got a mug from the shelf to get himself some coffee. Their kitchen was small, but comfortable to move around. They both weren't the messy type, so it was just enough for the things they actually needed.

"You know I was never going to break up with you, right? You don't need to make such a fuss."

„I just want to make something nice for you, okay?" Woo Bin smiled.

„We don't have my favorite mustard anyway." Yi Jeong said and took a sip from his coffee.

„Look over there. I was up early."

Yi Jeong's eyes scanned the shelf until he spotted a bag from the supermarket. A smile flashed over his lips and he sighed.

„You really want to get laid tonight, right?" he said nonchalantly and Woo Bin just laughed and threw a cooked egg into his direction.
Yi Jeong caught the egg and was trying to say that he didn't need to do something for that either, but Woo Bin's laughter was infectious and he just gave up and laughed with him.

„And don't waste the eggs!" he added after he had calmed down a little.

„I never get what it is with you and the eggs. It's not like they are something rare or expensive."

Yi Jeong twisted the egg between his fingers and smiled. „To be honest.. I don't know either.." he said honestly and stuffed it into his mouth.
He was wondering if Woo Bin was really okay..
Last night had been exhausting for the both of them, but he decided to just let him plan the day without complaining.

Later that day, the sun was still shining and they decided to go for a walk in the park.
Since Yi Jeong's work days were very full and noisy, he always enjoyed some quiet time.
Woo Bin's work was quite the opposite. He worked alone in silence, but he enjoyed the fresh air.
To balance his desk-job, he did martial arts for years now, but nothing was more relaxing than the blue sky and Yi Jeong by his side.

„You could use that for a book, what do you think?" Yi Jeong said and Woo Bin looked at him with questioning eyes.

„Snow in September... An unknown sadness, suddenly possessing a guy in his happiest moment.. I think there was a shadow on the balcony, who stole my cigarettes.." he eyed his better half suspiciously.

„You're making that up now, aren't you?" Woo Bin asked and a bitter smile flashed over Yi Jeong's lips.
He knew that he left his cigarettes on the balcony last night and this morning, they were gone.
Until now, he still hoped it was just Woo Bin, trying to ‚help' him quit his habit.
But usually, that wasn't his style, especially in stressful times, he was very tolerant.

„So you didn't take them? I'm not mad at you, I just want to know."

„No." Woo Bin laughed, „I'm not suicidal. Are you sure you left them there? Last night, we both were a mess."

„Hmh.. Maybe I dropped them somewhere.." Yi Jeong said to not fuel the topic any more.
He swallowed down the bad feeling in his stomach and tried to focus on the beautiful day.
„Oh look, you have a new friend." Woo Bin noticed and Yi Jeong stopped. „Hmh?", he looked down and saw a dog, sniffing his leg.
It looked like a pretty old one, so Yi Jeong knelt down slowly and smiled.

„And who are you? Where did you come from so suddenly?", he asked and ruffled through the dog's light beige fur.

„Aww, look how cute! Can we.."

„No we're not getting a dog!" Yi Jeong shook his head because they already had the discussion way too often. „I don't want to have you sad for months when it dies after 10 years. Also, we both don't like hair on the furniture."

„Anastasia! Anastasia, where are you?" they heard a woman call behind them.
Yi Jeong got up and turned around. The woman who was calling for the dog froze and stared at him with huge eyes.

She looked like she was about to faint for a second, then her face brightened up and she yelled excitedly:

„Yi Rang-Nim!"

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