Chapter 30: Grace

Start from the beginning

"No problem. I'll see you soon." He leaned down, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out.

I sat unmoving for several moments trying to process everything that had transpired. I felt foolish I tried shutting him out because I assumed he had a girlfriend. But with Colt, I wasn't on autopilot; I felt and I felt deeply, and apparently that caused me to react in irrational ways.

I got up and used the restroom before starting the shower. I threw my hair up so I didn't have to worry about drying it, and quickly washed off. I was sore, but it was a pleasant kind of pain; the kind of pain that made me revel in being alive. The kind of pain that had me yearning for more.

Once out of the shower, I dried off and then brushed my teeth and did my face routine. I let my hair down so I could brush through it, then fixed it into a messy bun. Adding a touch of makeup, I went to my clothes to grab an outfit. I decided on a pair of jeans that hugged my body in all the right places and a black, form fitting shirt with a plunging neckline.

I know Colt said it wasn't technically a date, and in all reality, it was just breakfast, but nothing felt ordinary with him. Butterflies danced in my stomach at the thought of seeing him, and he had just left. If that was how I would feel every time I knew I would be in his presence, I was not sure how I would survive.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I fixed my shirt and went to walk away. But something in my reflection had me doing a double take. I walked closer to the mirror and studied myself. Those eyes were mine, but they shined a bit differently. That smile was mine, but it held a different truth. I was not only Grace Campbell the woman--I was Gracie; I was Star. I fought back the sudden emotions, took a deep breath, and hurried out the door to meet Colt.

I stepped into the main lobby searching for the pair of blue eyes that held me captive. Instead, my eyes landed on a pair of familiar, muddy brown ones.


He looked me over, assessing me, almost as though he wasn't sure it was me. But if anyone here wasn't sure who was who, it was me.

"What in the world are you doing here?"

"Is that not obvious? The only thing that could make me come back here, is you. Grace, I came to see you."

He took a step forward and grabbed my hand. I was too stunned to move, apparently losing my ability to speak right along with it. I blinked sporadically just to make sure he was really there and not some mirage. I'm sure I looked certifiable just blinking away and staying silent; I sure felt that way.

I heard a throat clear and looked to the side of Mark. There Colt stood in a white T-shirt and denim jeans holding a bouquet of wildflowers. He was looking down at my hand in Mark's grip. I quickly pulled my hand away and brought it to my chest, clearing my own throat. I backed up, but Mark stepped back with me, scowling at Colt.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation with my girl."

I snapped my head in Mark's direction and glared, but it was pointless as he was too busy in a glaring match of his own with Colt.

"I am not your girl Mark. Not anymore."

Mark looked back to me, clearly pained. "Grace. If you could just hear me out. Please. I really want to talk to you."

I looked at Mark and really saw him for the first time that morning. He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, and it was clear he hadn't shaved either which was entirely out of his character. I didn't know what he had to say, but truth be told, I still had a few things to say myself.

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