Chapter 4.

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*A week later*

The guilt was killing me. I have to tell Andy. I will not let him go on thinking he is with the woman of his dreams when she's sneaking around his back with other guys. I got out from my bunk and walked into to living room area, only to see Juliet, in one of Andy's shirts and her underwear, but the boys no where.

"Where are the guys?" I asked. She looked at me disgusted.

"Why's that any of your concern?" she answered my question with one of her own.

"I just want to know," I said mocking her tone.

"They went out." she said. I sat down at the end of the couch and watched tv.

"It's killing you, ain't it?" she said suddenly. I knew what she was talking about immediately.

"Yep," I said. "But, yanno, I could tell him and soil your whole relationship. But, hey, he might not even believe me. Then you could continue to be a little whore. And Andy could go about his life with you, being oblivious to the fact that you're a skank." I said calmly. This pissed her off. She jumped off the couch and pointed her scrawny finger at me and yelled at me. She told me that I WILL NOT tell Andy and I WILL NOT call her names. She didn't even hear the boys come in. I just sat there smirking. Andy heard all of it.

"Juliet?" Andy said, sadness filled his eyes. She turned so quick.

"Andy.. um.. I..-" she started.

"Save it. Get dressed and leave my shirt. Get out. When we get back to California, get your things packed and out," he hissed. She just looked at him in surprise and rushed back to the bunks and changed and left, glaring at me on her way out. I just smirked and waved bye, earning a middle finger from her. Ignorant girl.

Andy sat on the couch and put his face in his hands. The guys just sat there, shocked. Andy got up and went to his bunk and stayed there for the remainder of the day.


At about 10pm, I headed to my bunk to go to sleep. While I was walking back to the bunks, a hand reached out of one bunk and grabbed mine. It scared me at first, I relaxed as soon as I saw Andy's hand. I opened Andy's bunk curtain and saw his face. His hair was stuck to his face and tears stained his cheeks. It broke my heart.

"Oh, Andy, sweetheart.." I said, softly. He pulled me into his bunk and said, "I need someone to talk to. The guys wont understand."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I always had a feeling she was doing this. She'd come home late all the time, she distanced herself from me. I didn't wanna believe it." he sniffled. "How long have you known?"

"A week. I was actually gonna tell you today. But, she told you indirectly." I said.

"How did you find out?"

"Walked in on it." I said. He just nodded. I moved some of his hair away from his face. As I was doing this, he grabbed my hand gently, looking at me. I gave him a small, sympathetic smile. He smiled back.

"But wait, why didn't you tell me sooner?" he questioned.

"Because, one, the little bitch threatened me if I told, but I ain't scared of her. I could knock the bitch out myself. Two, I did it for your benefit. I couldn't stand to see you hurt. And three, I don't think you'd believe me if I told you," I explained.

"Yeah, you're right. I probably wouldn't. But I think I would but I woudn't want to believe it." I understood what he meant.

"Well. I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight, Andy." I said, kissing his forehead. "Sleep well."

"Goodnight, Zena." he said before I climbed up to my bunk.

Today was rough.

Helloooo. Hope you guys like it. Vote, comment, follow.
-Lexi xx

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