Chapter 3.

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*2 days later*

I woke up to my phone playing The Day That Never Comes by Metallica. I looked at the caller ID. CC.

"Hello?" I murmured.

"Hey, come on. We're outside your apartment building. Grab your shit and lets roll. You can sleep when you get on the bus." he said all at once.

"Alright, I'll be right down in a sec." I said, ending the call. I put my hair in a messy bun and left my leggings and oversized Slayer shirt on and slipped my slippers on along with my glasses. I grabbed my charger, shoes, phone, and my contacts and stuffed them in my bag, grabbed it, and went on my way. I stole one of Max's granola bars on my way out and started eating it. I shut the door and walked down the stairs and out towards the bus. CC opened the door for me and I stepped in. I looked around at all the guys who were laying all over the floor and couch, sleeping, except Andy. I just chuckled.

"Hi Zena." Andy said. My smile fell and i just waved at him.

"Which is my bunk?" I asked CC.

"Pick one. We haven't yet." he responded.

"Alright." I said and picked the top bunk on the left side. I grabbed my phone and threw my bag into the bunk and walked back out into the living room area. I was up now. I had CC and Andy move Ashley to the floor so we could sit on the couch.

"So, Zena, what was it you were gonna tell me the other day?" Andy asked. I just glared at him. He looked at me with a confused face.

"It's not important." I said through gritted teeth. He just put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm not in the best of moods."

He nodded and squeazed my hand, smiling weakly. I swore I felt electricity. I sucked in a breath and looked at him from the corner of my eye.

"So, how am I supposed to be a merch-girl? What am I supposed to do?" I asked, trying to distract myself from thinking of him like that.

"Oh, right," he said. "You just sell our merch. And, if you're comfortable doing this, make conversation with them."

I nodded.


"Alright, you can watch the show and sell merch after, if you want. This is the tent you'll be working at. Occasionally, we'll have meet and greets and signings here. We'll let you know in advance." Andy said. I smiled slightly and nodded. CC then came up.

"So are ya gonna watch the show?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course!" I said. He hugged me and yelled 'yay', making me laugh. CC definitely knows how to make me feel better.

"Alright, we're on in 10!" Andy yelled. CC and I skipped to the back stage area together, laughing the whole way there. When we reached there, the guys needed to get ready.

When the show started, the crowd went wild. Screams, cheers, chanting, everything. It gave me an adrenaline rush. It was great.

On their fourth song, I excused myself to the bathroom. When I reached the girls' bathroom, I heard rustling on the other side and faint voices. I didn't think too much of it, only thinking some girls were in here talking, and walked in. I really wish I hadn't. There, in front of me was Juliet, Andy's girlfriend, bent over the bathroom counter, pants to her ankles, with some guy, who definitely was not Andy behind her.

"Oh," I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"GET OUT!" she screamed. I shut the door quickly and scurrying back to where I was at. The guys were almost done with the fifth song. I looked at Andy. My heart broke at the thought of him finding out and being torn. I felt a presence behind me so I turned around. I came face to face with Juliet, the guy nowhere to be seen.

"Listen. You will not tell Andy about what you saw. If you do, I will kick your ass. Do you understand?" she said, coming closer to me, making me walk back and into a wall. I just nodded.

"SAY IT!" she yelled in my face. At this point, I was getting pissed. I went off.

"LISTEN, BITCH," I started. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "FIRST, NO, I WON'T TELL HIM, BUT NOT YOUR BENEFIT, FOR HIS. SECOND, GET IN MY FACE AND THREATENED ME AGAIN, I WILL KNOCK YOUR SCRAWNY ASS OUT. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS AT FAULT HERE. SO I ADVISE YOU TO SHUT YOUR STUPID WHORE MOUTH." I yelled. She backed down and walked away. I walked off towards the tent and sat in my seat.

When the concert was over, fans came and stood in a line and bought merch. After that was over and done with, I headed to the bus, walked right passed the boys, and shut myself in my bunk. When the guys came to see if I was ok, I just said I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't come out until I got hungry. When I did come out, Juliet and Andy were cuddling on the couch, along with the guys on the floor. Juliet and I made eye contact. I grabbed some Funyuns and went back to my bunk.

As time passed, the guys fell asleep. But I could hear Juliet and Andy in the living room area. They were doing exactly what I caught her doing with another guy. Just great.

so i updated.
also, im watching the show cheaters. it gave me the idea, lolol. cx

Just the Merch-Girl *Andy Biersack LS*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora