Robert’s eyes widened “Wait-what?”

“Yeah, we would be your eyes, from here”

He smiled “Nice, I like this” he patted the guy’s shoulder “But… then we could not take them off”

“Of course not”

Robert nodded “Well, ok” he glanced at Emma and Joe who nodded, ready to leave.

“we should go separate” Robert spoke “And, this is a hidden spot, but if anything happens, you tell me immediately” He spoke to Rick

“Of course, Sir”

“Ladies, you will see everything we are seeing. Any sight that may be suspicious to you, if any lady that looks like Renner to you, just tell us straight away. Renner is smart, she must have changed her looks”

“Of course” They nodded

“Let’s go then” Robert spoke, watching Emma and Joe going ahead as he waited for a final kiss from his Belle

“Be careful, Robbie”

He smiled “I will, Belle. You know, we are not exactly sure of what we are looking for.”

“I know, but I believe you. You are good” she pecked his lips and hugged him “And… be away from her”

Robert chuckled, knowing Belle was talking about Emma “I will” he kissed her forehead “And… when I have the chance, I want to take you to some places. Do you know how breathtaking the sights are in this stunning corner of the world?”

Belle smiled widely “I would love that”

“I’ll show you the entire world, if I can”

She hugged him, biting her lip “You are amazing…”

You are my world, she though.

“I should go now” he pecked her lips “Be alert everyone!” he said before finally leaving the plane

“Good luck!” Zoe shouted

*a few hours later*

“I have nothing, guys” Joe spoke, in frustration “And I and too hungry, I will eat and meet you guys back in the plane, is that ok, boss?” 

All the agents and everyone in the plane were connected through their inter communications.

“Yes, Joe, but keep your eyes opened, meanwhile”

“Well, unlike Joe, I might have something” Emma spoke

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now