Chapter Four

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Fluttershy quickly roused at a strong scented rag swiped under her nose. She blinked as her eyes slowly adjusted to her suroundings. She quickly found that her wrists were strapped to the arms of a chair. She began to struggle, when she heard a calming voice. "It's okay."

She looked up to see the turtle with the red mask. It was the same one that stood over her when she woke up the first time. Suddenly, she found her self staring into his eyes. And if she didn't know any better, it looked like he was staring back into her's.

She looked around to see the other turtles around him. As soon as her eyes pulled away from his she began to feel terrified all over again.

"Sorry about the chair and the sryinge needle." The purple one said. "You kinda lost control."

Despite her fear of them, she began to feel a bit ashamed of her outburst. It was so unlike her. She was usually calm, quiet, and peaceful, but I guess there has always been this spark inside of her that very rarely could come in full flare. Apparently she had one of those rare monmets.

"Oh.." She said lowering her head shyly. "Sorry.."

Raph narrowed his eyes at her. Well, this was different. One minute she was flying and screaming uncontrolably and the next she was apologizing for her behaviour.

"Let her go." He said without taking his eyes off her.

His brothers looked at him like he was cazy.

"What?" Leo said.

"Does she look like much of a threat." He said simply.

"Raph..." Leo whipered in a warning tone.

"Aw, just let his girl go Leo!" Mikey mocked.

Raph gave him a warning glare.

"Fine." Leo said.

Donnie undid the straps. And the girl began to rub her wrists in a shy manner.

"Sorry for the scare." Leo said.

She looked up at them. "Y-your not gonna hurt me are you?"

"No, of course not. If we wanted to hurt you we would have done it much sooner."


She began to stare at her hands. She didnt really know what they were, but they kind of reminded her of ape paws.

"What happened to me?" She asked

"Like we said before, you were mutated." Donnie explained. "I belive the mutagen spilled and it must of gotten on you somehow. Why it turned you into a horse? I don't know. The effects of the mutagen are unpredictable."

Fluttershy was confused. 'Turned her into a horse?' What was he talking about?

Leo noticed her confusion. "Maybe it's better if we introduced ourselves. I'm Leo, and this is Donnie, Mikey, and Raph."

They stood there and waited. But the girl just looked at them in silence.

"And you are?" Raph said, a bit rudely.

"Oh..sorry." She said lowering her head. "I- I'm Fluttershy."

"Neat name!" Mikey said. "Is it a code name?! Are you a spy?!"

She gave him a confused look. "'s just my name."

"Dude, your parents were creative!" He said

Raph gave him a smack on the back of his head.

"So uh...Fluttershy.." Leo said. "What do you remember happened to you before you got mutated."

Fluttershy took the time recapture her memory. " and my friends were trying to close a dangerous portal. We tried using the Elemnts of Harmony, but lost control. I got sucked in and eneded up in this strange world. I don't remember anything after that."

All the turtles were dumbstruck. They stood there staring at her like she might have sprouted horns.

She began to feel embarassed. Did she say something odd?

"Where are you from?" Donnie asked.

"P-ponyville.." She mumbled.

"Wheres that? Sounds awesome!" Mikey said.


The brothers gave each other confused glances.

"What exactly, are you?" Raph finally asked. 

"I-I'm a pegasus pony..."

"Oh great.." Raph thought. "We didn't find just any innocent civillian, we found a crazy chick who thinks she's a pony!"

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