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I watched as Nick pulled away from the apartment, his luggage just barely peeking out his window. My chest ached, a pain I hadn't felt in years. All the times that I wondered how cold I would feel after he left flooded back to my memory, and even though I was wearing his sweater, I still felt as though I was freezing.

His car puttered down the street, turned, and disappeared from view. I knew he was on his way to the airport, and I knew he had plans with Clay, but I just wanted him to be there with me. I retreated back into my apartment and sat at my table, staring at the seat where he sat.

It was quiet. I hated it. Henry rubbed against my legs, perhaps wondering where his friend had disappeared to.

I pressed my face into his hoodie, inhaling the scent. I reminisced what it was like to have woken up in his arms.

Our friends had finally gotten over what had happened. Although the day before we practically spend ten hours in a discord VC, today, everyone seemed normal. Twitter was still freaking out--people who had slept during the stream were waking up to mass confusion.

I saw more fanart popping up here and there, not really of Nick and I, but of our characters in the SMP. I smiled to myself and retweeted it.

I went to the guest bedroom where Nick had been staying, standing in the doorway.

I sighed. He'd left another hoodie here. Oh no, I guess I'd have to start wearing it. What a shame.

I picked it up and a folded piece of paper fell from the folds of the fabric. Opening it, my face flood with terror. Quickly, I whipped out my phone and dialed Nick's number.

"Hello?" He said, obviously tired.

"You left your plane ticket here!" I started to panic. "Okay, tell me where you are and I'll come bring it to you so you don't have to turn around--"

"No, Bee, I have my ticket."

"What? No, it's right here. I'm staring at it."

I heard someone knock at my front door.

"Hang on," I said, "I think my doordash arrived."

When I opened the door I was not greeted with an amazing sub from my favorite hot sub restaurant, but I was greeted by Nicholas Armstrong.

"Nick--you have a plane to catch!" I panicked, handing him the ticket. "God, I told you I'd bring it to you!"

"Bee, calm down--Christ, do you ever stop?" He laughed. "I have my plane ticket right here, and I'm not going to miss the flight, but you might if you don't go get a suitcase packed,"


"Clay went online a couple days ago and bought you a ticket."

"What--why? Nick, I have a job, I..." I shook my head, staring at the paper in my hands. "God, fuck it, I'm moving anyways. I hate the damn place."

Nick laughed to himself and followed me to my room, where I pulled out a pastel pink suitcase and started to pack it.

"How long should I pack for?" I asked offhandedly.

"I know you have to go to North Dakota...so maybe two weeks? That'll give you time to get back and finish packing."

I could tell it hurt him to say it. Every time he mentioned it, I felt more and more guilty. God, I didn't want to leave.

I texted my boss.

consider this my official resignation
I'm sick of the constant disrespect from you and your employees
and I'm moving away anyways.

Fuck you

He didn't answer. He almost never answered my texts. I hated him for it. Within minutes, I'd packed up my clothes and some other things I needed for the trip. I had a lot of cute summer clothes that I almost never wore, because the Texas heat was so sweltering that I rarely ever left the house.

I'd never been to Florida. I wanted to call Dream and ask what I should bring, but instead, he called me.

"Are y'all leaving?" He asked sleepily, like he'd just woken up.

"You know, it would've been nice of you to inform me ahead of time that I would also be going to Florida." I huffed, zipping up my suitcase and lifting it off my bed.

"What, Nick didn't tell you?"

"He only just now told me, after he'd already drove away towards the airport. And I thought he left his plane ticket here, and it was a whole mess," I sighed. I followed Nick out the door and locked it behind me before clambering down the stairs and into his car.

As Dream and I talked, Nick started driving out to the Austin Airport, which was just about on the outskirts of the city. I was still wearing his hoodie, and I buried my face into it.

I had never been on an airplane before. In fact, I'd never really left the state except for my drive up to North Dakota. The airport was busy, packed with travelers going everywhere from Buffalo to Alaska. I wondered if Dream was meeting us?

Then I realized I still didn't know what he looked like. I was one of the only members of the group that didn't know what he looked like, and since he hadn't done a face reveal, seeing him in Florida would be the first time I'd ever see his face.

I suddenly felt nervous, for both the fact that I was about to officially meet Dream, and for the fact that I had no idea how to act in an Airport.

Nick led me to the check-ins and checked our tickets and luggage. We went through security, and he grabbed my hand as we weaved through the seas of people. I didn't want to let go, and I don't think he did either.

Finally, we sat at our gate, waiting to board. I bought us some coffee from a nearby Starbucks, and rested my head on his shoulder.

I thought back to a year ago--when I was barely getting by and had to force myself out of bed. Never in a million years that this is where I'd end up, sitting next to my best friend and being able to hug him and hold his hand and not feel ashamed to love him.

I smiled. The receptionist called for us to board.

(A/N, before you think that the way she quit was unrealistic, that's literally the same way I quit MY job at the pizza restaurant I worked at)

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