Part 14

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"what are you doing?" Someone said and you turn around to see Yuri standing in front.
Both of you freeze on your spots and her face turned furious after seeing you.

"Go! i'll handle her" Jisung said as he nudged your shoulder to go and you slowly turn around and get ready to run away but then you suddenly stop.
You turn back around and stare into her eyes while Jisung gave you the What-Are-You-Doing look.

I'm not gonna run away anymore..
You say inside your head.

Yuri smirked as she slowly walked towards you. The more closer she came, the more scared you got. But you still didn't run away as this time you wanted to face her.
She patted your head slowly and then suddenly snatched your hair. You moan in pain as she pulled your hair and glared at you.

"what are you doing here?" She asked but you don't say anything so she pushes you and you fall hard on the ground.
Jisung's eyes widened and he shouted, "Yuri! Stop! What do you think you're doi-

"You wench" you say, not letting Jisung complete. You get up and stare at her in anger while she stared back at you.
"You think you're gonna get away with this?" You say as you walk closer towards her.

Suddenly Jungkook's face appeared between your eyes and your eyes softened.
"Because of you..Because of you someone innocent went through such a hard time! Do you like it? Making people's life miserable, do you like it?"
You say. She opened her mouth to say something but you continue, "I don't know why you tried to kill me..and I don't why...why your name sounds so familiar to me. But..You're no longer safe" You say and her eyes widened in shock. She got angry as she raised her hand to slap you. But you weren't able to let it happen this time.

You were about to hold her arm to stop her when you heard a familiar voice.


You look over Yuri's shoulder and get surprised to see Jungkook. Your eyes widened,"Ju..Jungkook?"
He came running as he held your hand and pulled you away from her.
"What do you think you were doing?" He said as he glared at her.

"Wow.. what the HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" She said getting mad as she messed with her hair.
Suddenly you heard loud Sirens and the next thing you see, there was Police standing at the door.

Jungkook stared into your eyes and said, "show them the proof"

You quickly show them the paper in which you had written the car number and the Police checked her car.
"Its the same car" one of them said as they grabbed Yuri and handcuffed her.

"Wh-What is happening!?" She shouted as she tried to run away but she was already trapped.
"You! You betrayed me Jisung!? How could you do this to your girlfriend!?" She shouted.

Jisung just chukled and said, "not anymore" he said as he took off the engagement ring and dropped it on the floor. The police didn't let her speak anymore and they took her with them.
You just look at all this with your eyes wide open.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked but you don't say anything and just stare at him.

"When the hell did your memories come back!?"


"You can go home tonight with your family..they'll come pick you up" The nurse said as she finished cleaning his bed.

"Ok" Jungkook said as he sat down on his bed and his pen dropped on the floor but he didn't notice.
The nurse picked it up and said, "You dropped your pen"

Suddenly he felt pain in his brain and there was a flash in his mind as he saw different moments with you between his eyes.

"Are you flexing?"
"Jungkook! You're back?"
"Are you actually a ghost!?"
"Thank you for saving me that day..."
"You dropped your pen, sir"

He then opened his eyes and tears started rolling down his cheeks. He got up and ran all the way to find you but he bumped into Jisung.

*back to Present*

"Then Jisung told me everything..and that you're going to Yuri's house today" He said and you just sat there with your jaw wide open.

You turn to your right to face Jisung and hit him really hard on his shoulder, "you knew this all along and didn't tell me!?"

"He told me not to tell you" he said and you look back at Jungkook getting confused.
"I thought it would be great to surprise you..and by the time you were here, i told the police everything, showed them the footage and got them here" he said with a smile and you chuckle.

"Gosh i was worried you wouldn't remember me!" You say and he pulled you in for a tight hug. You smile as he softly pats your head.

*at the bus stop*
You and Jungkook were waiting for your bus to arrive.
"You didn't have to wait for me" you say.

"I'll go once your bus is here" he said with a smile and you look away getting shy.
Suddenly you felt really cold wind go past you and you shiver. "When did it get so cold?" You say and he subconsciously held your hand and placed it inside his jacket's pocket. You get shocked by his move and look at him. He looked at you and then noticed what he was doing.

He quickly dropped your hand, "oh- sorry!" He said and looked away getting embarrassed.

You then suddenly get the courage. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, "uh..Jungkook"

"Hmm?" He looked at you and waited for you to speak.
As soon as he looked at you, your cheeks got red and you felt extremely nervous. You look away.

Gosh whats wrong with me!?
You say to yourself as you pat your own shoulder and turn back towards him.

"Jungkook, I...I like you!" You finally say and he just looks at you, not saying anything.
Thats when your bus arrived. "Uh- forget what i said! Bye!" You say as you quickly get inside your bus and leave.

I shouldn't have said that!
You thought.

"And- Since when did i start liking him!?" You say loudly and everyone in the bus just stared at you.

11:11 am | Jeon Jungkook | √Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu